Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 26, 2010

Saturday February 20th

I've been really bad at posting pics here lately, but with our recent sad news and Aaron and I both getting Strep...things have been a little slow around our house.
But these pics are from last Saturday... Olivia picked out her outfit, and we stacked her ABC blocks and as they would fall down we would make a big deal about it...then we would stack again...and finally got all the letters to stack. She was super excited! Aaron worked last weekend and I am so grateful to have Olivia during this difficult time, she keeps me busy and always can put a smile on my face. If I would start to cry, she'd come up to me, rub my arm and say "you ok?".... and I'd tell her "mommy is just fine"....she'd go right back to playing!

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is so sweet. She is so precious, Kelly.