Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 13, 2010

Thursday night...snowed in!

This is Olivia playing in our "play room" that will become her big girl room... she had her baby decorated with stickers... was feeding her an apple, pear and nanna! She is such a girlie girl and just loves taking care of her babies. My parents got her a bunk bed for her babies at Christmas and the babies are rarely allowed out of bed... they are always sleeping and tucked in tight... ha ha! She has her favorite pjs on and her princess shoes once again.... I love watching her walk around in them... I think she acutally walks better in them then I ever could.

She got bit "again" at daycare.... she now tells me that Andrew did it. Who ever it is, bites her the same place everytime... I'd like to bite those kids and teach them a lesson for hurting my little girl....ohhhh!!!


Haley Elizabeth said...

I agree with you I think Haley walks in her shoes better than I ever could to! haha. Isn't that funny they aren't even teenagers yet. We have that same pink stroller for Leah. She likes to run across the room with it then gets stuck and then walks away from it haha.

Christy and Chad said...

Oliva is so darn cute. Isn't funny how much they love wearing those shoes. It always amazed me how well Lily walks in them. Linc can even walk in them good, even though Chad hates it but he doesn't know any better:)

Diane C said...

Olivia is such a cute little girl! Jadyn loves to wear her dress up shoes too! It amazes me that she can walk around the house like she doesn't even have them on....she even runs in them sometimes! Little girls are so much fun!