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February 7, 2010

Tinkerbell Undies

Olivia wore her tinkerbell undies around the house yesterday... I kept saying "tell mommy if you need to go potty...don't pee on tinkerbell". I'd ask her if she had to go and about an hour later she was getting mad at me asking. So here is apicture of her sitting on her potty with her tinkerbell panties "on" and princess shoes to boot! She did end up having an I think in March, we'll pick a weekend and not go anywhere and try again! She'll be 28 months old... and if no success, we'll try again in April and so on.


Britni said...

They have to have a couple accidents before understanding the process sometimes :) We've had more issues potty training wise with Ember then we did with Ava...but that was mainly after having Evan. I really think it all depends on the child and their personality. Even with Ember though it was so nice to be done with diapers at 27 months. I am sure she'll catch right on :)

Haley Elizabeth said...

I think the undie thing is the best way to train. I did it with Haley to. They eventually don't want to walk around in wet or poop. Haley was a little over 2 1/2and completely was trained within 2 months. We had a little delay when we had to travel to Ohio for 2 weeks, but after that she was great. Then she moved into her big girl bed right after being trained. I think keep doing what your doing and she'll be fine. I think the other key is don't put her back in diapers after you decided to defintely "potty train" her. That might confuse her. I would do pull ups when we went out or pull ups at night. But, when I was home (which it might be easier b/c I was always home with her) I had her in underwear. I hope that helps a bit! She'll catch on real soon, but sooner the better no diapers. Everyday, I think gosh..I have 1 1/2 years still left of diaper duty..then if we have another one..longer haha. I guess it's the days I change stinky poopy ones I think of this. haha. Good luck!!

Christy and Chad said...

A princess must have her heels on even when on the potty:) Too cute