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April 22, 2010

22 1/2 Week OB Appt

Tuesday at 2:30 we had our 22 wk OB appt with the wonderful Dr. Schutz!! He came in and started right into wanting to check my placenta again at about 30 weeks. He said that right now mine is just near the opening and could rise with the growth of my uterus, but he wants to keep an eye on it.
He was happy with the baby's weight for now and would like to check that again at 30 weeks and again at 37 weeks.
Here in about 3 weeks I'll need to get blood drawn again for my sugar levels. It will be nice as it will only the be the 1 hour test this time compared to the 3 hour one before.
I am currently 10 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight and during my entire pregnancy I have gained 7 lbs. Which is kind hard to believe but I always ask at every appointment to make sure I don't gain a lot of weight.
We go again in May and see Dr. Perkins again this time. We haven't seen her since February when we lost one of the twins and I have been lucky to have had all my appts since February with Dr. Schutz. I am now scheduled through my due date.
Dr. Schutz will write me off for 8 weeks which I know will go by so fast! If I go into labor I will need to go to Findlay since Bluffton no longer does the VBACs. But as we go through the pregnancy we'll keep track of the baby's weight and the location of my placenta to better decide if a VBAC is even possible.
The baby's heartbeat ranged from 137 to 150 and Dr. Schutz found it just above my belly button... it is amazing how every appt he goes higher and higher to find the baby. Just shows how much it is growing!!!
I feel the baby move all the time, especially down low, and from the 20 wk ultrasound that would be from it's feet....sometimes feeling like it is digging to get out. I continue to have terrible tailbone pain and find it hard to sit for a long time and constantly moving around, walking during work or even switching chairs!

We feel very blessed and after each appt we are still in aww of the whole experience, even the 2nd time around! We have no idea what we are having and this time have no guesses!! We sit there and neither of us can say I think we are having....girl or boy. Like with Olivia we both thought she would be a boy for some reason, and maybe because we were wrong we are afraid to guess now. But our mom's think it is a boy. So we'll see as they were right the last time too.

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