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April 24, 2010

Tiny Tots

Friday was week 1 of Tiny Tots offered at BFR. Olivia did really good for her first time and was hesitant at somethings, which we expected. But she did really good at following directions, rolling down the wedge and crawling through the tunnel. She played very well at the end when it was kinda a "Free time" and even helped pick up some of the toys. Afterwards we did McDonalds and she was asleep not even 10 minutes into the ride home. We have this for 5 Fridays and it will be nice that Aaron can come to everyother one with me as he is off then!


Nana said...

That tot with the red shirt must really be big for his age!!!!

Haley Elizabeth said...

This looks fun! What all do they do?

Kelly said...

They do activities... allows them to learn to follow directions and taking turns. It is soo cute to see all the kids try and do the things together. Olivia did really well and I am very happy for her! Each week I know she'll get the hang of it even more!