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July 19, 2010

35 week 2 day Appointment and Ultrasound

Today I got to see our baby for the last time before giving birth!~ Aaron had to work today so I went solo….He/She was so cute! You can see in one of the Ultrasound pictures a perfect view of his/her chin/nose/lips... looks just like Olivia. Today I am at 35 weeks and 2 days....measuring at 37 weeks and 3 days. I've gained a total of 18 pounds.

The Ultrasound showed that the baby's estimated weight is 6 lbs 6 oz. Which has a 20% margin for error... could be 5 lbs or could be 7.5 lbs. Dr. Schutz mentioned to me that 2 weeks ago he delivered a baby that was supposed to be around 9 lbs according to the last Ultrasound and came out weighing 11 lbs 3 oz!!! My eyes about jumped out of my head!! I am not up for that!

Unfortunately, Bluffton is booked with surgeries from week 39 on, so we will be doing a c-section in Findlay. We choose to keep the date a secret (along with names) and will announce the birth once the baby arrives and all family has been notified. We are very excited to meet him/her and welcome them to our family and introduce to Big Sister Olivia :)

This past weekend we moved Olivia to her big girl room and the nursery is once again waiting patiently for the little one to arrive. Aaron has done a great job working through his honey-do list and each week I am more and more ready to deliver as I feel that I am falling behind with play-time with Olivia due to not being able to wrestle, run, etc. Soon enough she'll have mom, brother/sister and dad to play with.

Olivia is now going to Julie Hazelton’s for daycare. I am really looking forward to the next 3 weeks to see her make new friends and adjust to the new environment. Today she was able to go outside and play for a little bit. Each day will get easier for her and soon she’ll have a whole new group of friends to play with.

We look forward to the next 4 weeks of just Olivia and also look forward to meeting the new baby… I can’t wait to see Olivia hold him/her. God bless you all,

Aaron, Kelly & Olivia Rose

1 comment:

Britni said...

I love all the u/s pictures!!! Can't wait to see what you have in just a few weeks here!!