Saturday we used our Sears gift card to purchase a video camera. With my brothers advice and camera expertise we purchased a Digital Sony Hi 8 camera and look forward to using it to capture the babies first bath, first feeding experience, crawling, etc. It will be great!
Aaron's brothers and families got us a $300. gift card to Sears for a shower gift and we were very overwhelmed with the amount on the card. They over did it... and we are so appreciative.
Jason is getting deployed to Iraq again. He starts the process this weekend and should be deployed shortly after Christmas. I am so sad to see him go. He and Jason have only gotten closer since he has returned this last time, and I know Aaron is not wanting him to go. I am thankful that Jason will be able to see our little one before going... we'll be sure to send some care packages... maybe some dirty diapers!! ha ah!! Email will be a god sent as well as our website... hopefully he'll be able to get online and keep up to date to what is going on here in L-town!
Keep him in your prayers. As well as his 3 children and girlfriend Heather!!
Thanks - Kelly
A day to day journal of our family's journey through life. We ask for prayers for good health, little stress and extra blessings!
September 26, 2007
Baby Gus' Nursery
WELCOME TO BABY GUS' NURSERY! We are still waiting on trim yet, but other than that, we are waiting patiently for the baby to arrive. Everything is in place and ready to go!! So we think ;)

September 22, 2007
32 Weeks
My Baby
Sure, 37 weeks is the magic number -- that's when your baby is officially deemed full-term, even though pregnancy may go to 40 weeks or beyond! But this week is also an important one for early arrivals, since almost all babies born at this stage or later survive and go on to have very healthy, normal lives. By this time all of his major organs are fully functioning except the lungs, which need just a bit more time to mature completely. This week your baby will also start to shed that downy hair (lanugo) that's covered his body for the past few months. He'll lose most of this fuzzy coating by the time he's born, but you may spot some errant hairs on his back or shoulders.
At around 4 pounds, your baby's taking up a lot of space in your uterus now -- so much so that it's getting a bit crowded for kicking. So don't be alarmed if you don't feel him moving quite as much, though it's a good idea to count your baby's movements occasionally to make sure all's well in there (it's best if you can do this while you lie on your left side for a while). If you feel anything fewer than 10 kicks, rolls, flutters, etc., in two hours, call your doctor to double-check that everything's A-OK.
Sure, 37 weeks is the magic number -- that's when your baby is officially deemed full-term, even though pregnancy may go to 40 weeks or beyond! But this week is also an important one for early arrivals, since almost all babies born at this stage or later survive and go on to have very healthy, normal lives. By this time all of his major organs are fully functioning except the lungs, which need just a bit more time to mature completely. This week your baby will also start to shed that downy hair (lanugo) that's covered his body for the past few months. He'll lose most of this fuzzy coating by the time he's born, but you may spot some errant hairs on his back or shoulders.
At around 4 pounds, your baby's taking up a lot of space in your uterus now -- so much so that it's getting a bit crowded for kicking. So don't be alarmed if you don't feel him moving quite as much, though it's a good idea to count your baby's movements occasionally to make sure all's well in there (it's best if you can do this while you lie on your left side for a while). If you feel anything fewer than 10 kicks, rolls, flutters, etc., in two hours, call your doctor to double-check that everything's A-OK.
September 21, 2007
Bear #2
Monopoly in the Mountains
The Chinmey Tops

Here we are at the Chinmey Tops in Gatlinburg. This was one of the best times for me. To see everyone taking in the views, the water, and jumping from rock to rock. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. This is a 2 mile hike and could take hours to complete. We just went down to the first 2 bridges and enjoyed the water. Padre is as much as a kid as the twins are. You can see Dad surfing, Hunter checking out a caterpillar, and the beautiful water. I loved this... I would have stayed there for hours just taking in the noise, environment and of course the company.

Sky Ride
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