Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 21, 2007

Back Home

We are back home safe and sound, and lovin it! I would post pics, but our computer is in a temporary spot since we got carpet laid in our pc room. I will have tons of pics to post soon... I promise.

I am officially into my 8th month of pregnancy and 2 months from today is my due date! If we knew what we were having I could have went hog wild on clothes down in Gatlinburg. Carters and Osh Gosh outlets were to die for! Lucky for us we don't know and saved ourselves hundreds of dollars.

Sunday we arrived around 2:30 pm and unloaed and got comfy. Mom & Dad made spaghetti and we just took it easy that night... since we had been up since 3 am.

Monday came, a bear greeted us around 9 am while doing breakfast dishes! It was soo awesome. My camera was upstairs but Robin got some great pics. Us girls went to the outlet mall and to the scrapbook gallery. The men got drunk... it was hilarious and annoying at the same time. You know how it is when you are sober and they are drunk... ya! Robin and Chris made their meal that night, chicken, steak, baked potato, and beans. Oh and delicous cheese cake! We played texas hold'em that night.

Tuesday came and we did downtown Gatlinburg, The Chimneys (Awesome!) and Cades Cove (SUCKED!). The drive was soo curvy and you could only go 30 mph max and it was 24 miles from Gatlinburg.... Robin & Hunter got car sick, literally, and mom did when we got home. At least we can say we tried. ha aha!! We had done Hard Rock Cafe that day, which I think is over rated and then we had hot cheese dip to snack on that night. We watched this bear movie too.

Wednesday came, Robin, Chris & the boys went to this dinasour museum, we did the Old Mill. I loved that place, they had pottery, candy, toys, foods, kitchen stuff, patterns, etc. I did buy some stuff there. I bought a cheesecake mix, biscuit mix, and dip mix. I got a catelog, we might do this stuff for xmas gifts. That night Aaron and I cooked, pork loin, corn, and homemade max & Cheese. We then played monopoly, and another bear greeted us at the window. I did get some pics of this one, but it was had alreayd started to get dark and couldn't get great pics. This one looked smaller than the one on Monday.

And of course Thursday came, packed up and on the road by 9:30 am. Check out was 10 and we were home by 6 pm. All I wanted was a greasy pizza... so we ordered one last night. It was great!! It was nice to sleep in my own bed and wake up at 8:30, instead of 7 am.

It was a nice relaxing trip and glad we did it again. Aaron and I are not sure we'll do it again next year with the baby and I think we might do our own trip come next fall. We'll see. Travis wants us all to go to Vegas in 2009... and once again we'll see!

Off to laundry and relaxation. I had cleaned my house before we left... I can enjoy my last few days of vacation.

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