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September 3, 2007

Preparing for Baby Gus

Today Aaron primed the one wall in our nursery for painting. I had a checkerboard type painted effect on it before... it took me forever to do and I am sad to see it go. He was going to paint it today but got an offer for some extra cash to be made by helping out a family in Findlay. They house was hurt by the floods a couple weeks ago and Aaron is going to make decent money by helping removing the old and in with the new. Some extra spending money for Gatlinburg. I am proud that my husband isn't afraid to go out and do a little extra work that will make us some extra money. Yes I would like to see my nursery done, but he promises me he'll get it painted this week. I know Mom and Padre said they might come over and paint it for us today...we'll see. Who ever when ever, I can't wait to see it green! I appreciate all of our families help... it is sometimes overwhelming.

Last night was an emotional hormonal day. I feel that everything that needed to be done before the baby gets here is not getting done... I just had one of those days. I sometimes feel that we do things backwards or that the list keeps getting bigger and bigger and the bank account gets smaller and smaller... ughhhh I think everyone goes through that. Hopefully :)

Aaron almost has the front steps done and they look great!! We have carpet for one room and need my Uncle Rod to come measure for the other room. They are never home and it is hard to get a hold of them.

Last night was a night with little sleep. Aaron was called out 2x for a fire and both times I got up with him and helped with grabby his keys, cell phone, and opening up the garage door so he could go go go go!! We laughed this morning, thinking, if we coudl be a fly on the all when his pager goes off... ha ha ha!!
Off to finish cleaning. I have laundry, sweeping, and dusting to finish up on. Have a great Labor Day!!
And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BRIAN AND JESS!! 1 year ago yesterday was your wedding day... boy does time fly by!

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