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November 29, 2007

Chilllin' While Mommy Posts

Here she is taking it easy while I try and post a little. I feel that when I sit down to start posting or even to respond to emails she starts to cry. Today she cooperated for while. And surprisingly today she has been fussy. Robin came over this morning and took pictures of her for my christmas card.... they are AWESOME!!! Olivia did a great job and should be a model by the time she is 18 with Aunt Robbie taking her pics!!!

Pushing the Woods

Aaron, Jason, Mitch & Aric were ready at 7 am this morning to go hunting. Last night was great with Olivia and things went smoothly and this morning at 7 am he came in gave us a kiss and off we went to push the woods. You can see the small orange dots.... 4 men with guns excited as hell. I always say to Aaron before he leaves "I hope you don't get anything". I hate to see the poor things killed.

Pheobe's New Best Friend

Here is Pheobe or pug snuggling with Olivia on the couch. Pheobe has really taking a liking to Miss Olivia and I know she will love this furry friend when she gets older.

November 28, 2007

dr. appt.

today i am sitting here in my regular jeans!!!! with the help of this elastic thing that i wear from the c-section...but it does feel nice to be able to look back at the rest of thecloset for something to wear.

today i have my appt with dr. schutz. i am anxious to hear what he says about my incision and how i am doing.

olivia had her appt iwth dr. mccullough friday and she is now at 10 lb 4 oz!!! he says she is doing great!

November 26, 2007

Daddy's Firefighter

Aaron dressed Olivia yesterday and this outfit was given to us by Kari & Matt. It is adorable and the hood kept comiing over her head when we would try and burp her... it was so darn cute. Nana came over and helped me yesterday because my incision has started to leak. So I have been super sore and hard to go from sitting to standing. Aaron and dad try to rotate my tires and so Nana came out to babysit me and Olivia. We had her up and happy for most of the day and last night was the best night yet. Thanks Nana!!

The bow

Questions on how they got the bow in Olivia's hair?

KY jelly! A little dab and it stays. Hard to get out... have to take a wash cloth and just kind wash it out but it could pry stay in forever!

November 25, 2007

Beautiful Blue Eyes

I love her awake time.... I emailed this to Aaron at work.... "hi daddy!"

Beautiful Blue Eyes

I love her awake time.... I emailed this to Aaron at work.... "hi daddy!"

Coming Home

Here we are finally able to come home from the hospital. We were there from Thursday night to Tuesday afternoon. The nurses were great and surely were pampered but I was ready to give this parenting thing a try at home. It has been long nights and nap filled days but she is soo worth it!

Snugglin' with Mom!

I love her all scrunched up.... she is a ppl person, loves to be held.

Our coming home outfit

Picture day take 1, she filled this outfit out!! CUTE!!

November 21, 2007

Olivia Rose

It's official, we are proud parents of a baby girl named Olivia Rose. She is starting to stir here beside me so I'll start the story now and might have to finish later.

We went in Thursday night at 6 pm to get induced. We were sheduled at my last appt on the 6th of November but only told our parents and siblings. We wanted everyone to be surprised.

Thursday night went into the hospital, the room was great, much much bigger than Findlay and we were the only ones there... started the cervidel (spelling?) and had a little cramping but nothing I couldn't handle.

Friday morning, they started the pitocin (spelling?) at 6 am and I really didn't start to feel contractions until around 4 cm. I started my breathing and Aaron and my mom were a great support group. And through out it all my dad, brother, or Rosanne would pop in a help and it was all fine... when it came time to be checked they would leave. Dr. Schutz was in and out thorughout the day and the nurses there are the best!!!! Aaron has his mother's notes of what time I was what cm dilated...

Pretty much throughout the day I did progress nicely until at 8:40 pm I was 8 cm dilated and was still there at midnight. He checked me and the baby was still very far up and at that time he said he would suggest the epidural. I immediately started to cry....everyone was telling me that I did such a great job and not to worry.

I didn't want to be wonder women I just had an idea of what I wanted and was hoping to follow through with it. But I always said that if Dr. Schutz recommended it I would get it. So they had to call in the guy to do the epidural. We had to wait it seamed for ever and at that time I started to a little back labor. The rest of the day it was more in the front, down by my pubic bone. I knew maybe something was happening.

The epidural guy came in and he tried and I cried and cried.... and after he pounds, poked, flicked, and over and over again told me to arch my back out (I wanted to say listen, I've labored for over 14 hours and don't need you to tell me that I am not trying to do what you want here)... I think Aaron and I both wanted to punch him. After all of that I lay down and instantly a contraction is back.... and I feel it all and he begins by saying now I must tell you that 15% of epidurals don't take. Guess what.......that was me!

Dr. Schutz checked me again and now I was 9 cm but still very high and so he tried to fold back the cervix and he couldn't.... he had me push 2 times and at that time he recommended a C-section... and at this time it close to 3 am.

So back to the OR. My mom is crying, I'm crying (worried) and Aaron is getting dressed in blue scrubs.

I go back into the OR, Aaron waits outside and once again Epidural Guy is back to try a spinal. Poke, Pound, Tap, STING.... this pain runs down my right leg... and I scream. He says that my back bones are too close together and he is having troubles....STING, STING... now it happens twice in a row and I think if I had a gun I would have pry shot him. So then he breaks the news that I'll have to under general. But I will say that I WOULD NEVER EVER GET AN EPIDURAL AGAIN..!

Crying, Crying, and Dr. Schutz gives me this big hug and huge pep talk. He was so proud of what I accomplished and that he will get this baby out and I've just been through what 3 ppl should have done.

Aaron comes in and is crying he gives me a kiss and I wait on the table alone.... with lights, and this big blue drape over me. They put a mask over my face and I am out. ( I am so crying right now)

I awake on my right side and hear muffling.... I see a nurse, I hear my sister's voice and the nurse goes, "Do you want to see your daughter?".... I instantly start crying again thinking, "I have a daughter???".

Olivia Rose
4:08 am
9 lb 11 oz
21 1/2 inches long

I didn't see her until Saturday around 9 am finally.

Dr. Schutz came in the next day and informed me that when he opened me up he had no problem pulling her out, she was still right there.... and that usually he has some problems if a mother like myself labored for close to 22 hours, he usually has some work ahead of him. He said I wouldn't have been able to have her naturally. He also said that her head was extremely bruised. When I first saw her she did have a huge red spot on her head and it was a little cone shaped. She ended up getting some tylenol for that throughout her stay and now her little head is perfect!

She is beautiful, so worth every breathing session, every contraction and the pulsating pain coming from my belly.

The hardest thing is to see pictures of Aaron with her just after they brought her out.... I wasn't there and that is hard. But Aaron did a wonderful job and did his best to help me and the baby through out our entire stay and now at home.

We are home and Aaron is at work only for today and then off for the holiday. Aaron has the disc of when she was first born courtesy of family and I'll post those pics soon.

Check her our on (Bluffton baby nest)

November 15, 2007

Look What I Found

I was going through our email and found this email from my sister with all my family's bets on when the baby would be born... and looks like Robin is out!!! ha ha

November 14
9 lb 2 oz

November 15
8 lbs 8 oz

November 16
9 lbs 6 oz

November 18
9 lbs 9 oz

Paige Alyssa

Our friends Brian & Jessica had their baby this morning at 4 am. After a long day yesterday he says they had to do a C-section, she couldn't get passed 9 cm. Paige weighed in at 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long.

We are so happy for them and hope to have a playmate soon for Paige!

Congrats Brian & Jess!!

November 13, 2007


Well today I wasn't so productive. Aaron had his interview this morning and we are praying for that to come back with good results.

Yesterday all day I kept sweating and just felt sick to my stomach. I took 3 showers and still felt crappy and was in bed by 8:30 pm.

My sister came over to pick up my disability papers for me to take to Dr. Schutz and she stayed and talked a while... we looked at old pics of the boys as babies.... so darn cute and sad at the same time... they grow up so fast. She took some doubles that I had.... she'll scrapbook them so darn cute... I know she will. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk with her. She invited to me to lunch tomorrow and I am so afraid to make plans that I am playing it day by day. I am hoping I feel up to do it.

I had also found some old letters from her from when she lived in Texas with Chris. They were dated back to 1996. It is funny to read them and hear what she would do down there... buying make up, working, and decorating their apartment. They have come a long way... high school sweethearts like Aaron and I!! We are lucky to have found good men that young in life... some search their whole lives.

Anyways... today I took a 2 hour nap on the couch with a garbage bag under me... I am so afraid that any little twinge I feel could lead to my water breaking... haha!! Supper is in the oven on warm waiting on Aaron and laundry is almost done.

Our washer was down the whole weekend and it is amazing how much laundry can accumulate with 2 ppl. Wow!!

Well enough rambling... 1 week and 1 day until my due date. I CAN'T WAIT!!

November 12, 2007

6:54 am Monday

I am up, had breakfast and starting to sew already! It is soo hard to sleep right now. I got the twin's camo fleece jackets done and Jadon's camo fleece pants done... I'll post pics here later today. I also made the baby a stocking. Temporary of course until I find one that I really really like!

November 11, 2007

Month By Month Stats

At work I kept an index card of each appt, how much weight I've gained and the baby's heart beat. I took it with me because I wanted to document it in the baby's book.

05/24/07 : -1 lb, 150
06/19/07: +1.6 lb, 147
07/17/07: +3 lb, 150
08/14/07: +5.4 lb, 156
09/13/07: 0 lb, 152
10/16/07: +8 lb, 157
10/25/07: -1 lb, 147
10/30/07: 0 lb, 146
11/06/07: +2 lb, 157

Here I am... 1 week 3 days to go!

I had Aaron take a couple pics of me tonight after I got out of the shower. I have 1 week and 3 days to go and just can't believe it!! I'll be sad when I no longer have this belly and excited to have this new little baby to hold and love. You can't have it all I guess... haha!! I like having the baby with me where ever I go and all I have to do is reach down and rub or pat my belly. I love to feel it move and kick. I can't wait to see who he or she looks like and will it be a mommy's boy or a daddy's girl? We'll find out soon enough!!

3 days to 39 Weeks

November 9, 2007

Not yet a 100 lbs

Fisher's appt is all done and he did great! Travis was a lot of help and couldn't have done it without him!

Aaron guessed Fisher at 108 and guessed him at 104....NO NO NO he is only 99.4 lbs. He got two plain cheeseburgers, a large fry from Wendys and a kiddy cone from Tonys in Ottawa. He is now passed out on the carpet. He had an eventful day!


Well I am off today... already have the dishwasher going and the bed sheets changed and it is only 8:55 am. I woke up with Aaron this morning at 7 am and we ate breakfast together and now I am off on my list. He brought me a bucket to start washing down woodwork and walls. I guess they call this nesting.

Today at 12:15 pm Fisher has a vet appt in Findlay. My brother Travis is going with me to help with Fisher. He is the yellow lab in the picture. He is soo tall and thin that last year when Aaron took him he said that if Fisher weighed 100 lbs he would take him through McDonalds and get him a cheeseburger... well he came in at 98 lbs so Aaron gave him one anyways... ha ha!! So today I am sure he'll be 100 lbs and Travis and I will have to go through the drive through in Findlay and get Fishman a cheeseburger.
Well off to the shower... I am now shaving everyday... and it is tuff with a clawfoot tub. But I should start now. Have a great day everyone!!

November 7, 2007

Maternity leave will begin...

Today was my last day at work. I can't wait to have time to just sit and wait for this new little one to come into our lives. I was in bed the last two nights at 8- 8:30 pm because I was just mentally exhausted. I keep thinking.... "what have I forgot", "what do I do if this happens"... it just goes on and on.

My mom will be in the delivery room with us and I know she will be great. She will sit back and just be good inspiration as Aaron will be a great coach and help me stay calm and relaxed! I want the ability to share this with my mother. I always thought that I would only want Aaron and I in the room. And if mom didn't want to be in there I would be okay with it. She was so excited when I had asked her. Aaron is a little iffy... I think more nervous that ppl will be stepping on toes. But I think it will all work out.

I can't stop thinking that the next time my co-workers see me I will be a mom. I have this little person totally depending on me and Aaron. It overwhelms me at times.

Today on the way to work I was overcome with tears. I thought to myself... my twin nephews will be holding my baby.... the two boys that stole my heart 6 years ago will now have a cousin. I never thought that I could love a child as much as I love those boys. It is different when it is your own I can say that... but those boys still have me in the palm of their hands and seeing them with my newborn will just crush me. I guess I never thought about it before today.

Robin called the other day and asked the boys... "boys do you know what is coming in a couple of days?"... and it was so cute... Hunter loudly replies "Kelly's baby!!". I just smiled when I heard that. I love that they are excited. I can't wait to hear what they think when they meet him or her.

I remember going to the hospital the day Robin had them. She called and informed me that it was 2 boys, not a girl and a boy. We rushed right over to Bluffton and we only go to hold Hunter. But he was so tiny and new. Robin looked great and Chris had a smile on his face that wasn't going anywhere!

The next day I skipped school and went to Bluffton again to see her and the babies and there they laid.... in between her legs all swadled up. Just cute and cuddly.

I just can't believe that I will be there in a few days. I never thought November 21st would come so fast.

I've rambled. But yes I am off now until this little one decides to makes its grand entrance. I will post pictures as soon as I can. I am going to have Aaron take a picture of my belly maybe Saturday... it is soo big now!

November 6, 2007

38 week Appt

Today we had our 38 week appt. Everything is looking great as said by Dr. Schutz. I have gained 2 pounds and up to 19 pounds. The baby's heartbeat was at 157 and still strong. Dr. Schutz said "the peanut is still happy in there".

He went over some of the things he would not do in the delivery room. Like the vaccuum and forceps (spelling?). He went into great detail why and did tell some stories that were terrible. Aaron and I are glad to hear that he will not be using these instruments.

He checked me and I am still at 1 cm dilated. Which I am okay with. It was soo hot in the exam room today... Aaron was fanning me for a while. I thought it felt soo nice when I went outside after the appt and of course Aaron thought it was cold. I am walking around with an oven... ha ha!!

Our next appt is Thursday the 15th.

November 1, 2007

New Tile For Stove

We got a new wood stove and now getting ready to install it for the cold weather coming our way. The old one was original with the house when we bought it and did a good job for the past 2 years but now we are in need of something more efficient. Aaron has been busy laying tile on the concrete slab. The builders of the house had that there and it was an eye sore I must say, but now it is soo nice. Aaron laid out the design himself and did a WONDERFUL job! Padre is on his way out to help install the new stove. I thought I'd better get some pictures of the slab before the stove was put in.

Ignore the drywall patch jobs. I painted our dining room red and never really liked it. Now we are going to do a Khaki color, chair rail half way up and then I will stripe black and glaze stripes on the bottom half. I can't wait to see it done!! Of course the striping will come after Baby Gus is here and on a schedule!!