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November 1, 2007

New Tile For Stove

We got a new wood stove and now getting ready to install it for the cold weather coming our way. The old one was original with the house when we bought it and did a good job for the past 2 years but now we are in need of something more efficient. Aaron has been busy laying tile on the concrete slab. The builders of the house had that there and it was an eye sore I must say, but now it is soo nice. Aaron laid out the design himself and did a WONDERFUL job! Padre is on his way out to help install the new stove. I thought I'd better get some pictures of the slab before the stove was put in.

Ignore the drywall patch jobs. I painted our dining room red and never really liked it. Now we are going to do a Khaki color, chair rail half way up and then I will stripe black and glaze stripes on the bottom half. I can't wait to see it done!! Of course the striping will come after Baby Gus is here and on a schedule!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

It looks great!Good job Aaron :)