Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 13, 2007


Well today I wasn't so productive. Aaron had his interview this morning and we are praying for that to come back with good results.

Yesterday all day I kept sweating and just felt sick to my stomach. I took 3 showers and still felt crappy and was in bed by 8:30 pm.

My sister came over to pick up my disability papers for me to take to Dr. Schutz and she stayed and talked a while... we looked at old pics of the boys as babies.... so darn cute and sad at the same time... they grow up so fast. She took some doubles that I had.... she'll scrapbook them so darn cute... I know she will. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk with her. She invited to me to lunch tomorrow and I am so afraid to make plans that I am playing it day by day. I am hoping I feel up to do it.

I had also found some old letters from her from when she lived in Texas with Chris. They were dated back to 1996. It is funny to read them and hear what she would do down there... buying make up, working, and decorating their apartment. They have come a long way... high school sweethearts like Aaron and I!! We are lucky to have found good men that young in life... some search their whole lives.

Anyways... today I took a 2 hour nap on the couch with a garbage bag under me... I am so afraid that any little twinge I feel could lead to my water breaking... haha!! Supper is in the oven on warm waiting on Aaron and laundry is almost done.

Our washer was down the whole weekend and it is amazing how much laundry can accumulate with 2 ppl. Wow!!

Well enough rambling... 1 week and 1 day until my due date. I CAN'T WAIT!!


Britni said...

Yay,it's getting so close!!I know what you mean about laundry.My kids go through so many outfits a week it's crazy!!!

That is soo funny you took a nao on top of a garbage bag,lol!You know a lot of women seem to have their water break when they stand up from laying down.Everytime I would get up to pee,I would hope my water was going to never did with either of them though...they had to use that little hook to break my's the strangest feeling feel like a fish tank deflating.haha

Jen said...

Hi I'm one of Brit's friends. I have 2 daughters that are also on Ava's page, Lilly and Paige. I just was laughing at your last blog, how you were surprised with how much laundry you get with 2 ppl. I remember thinking it was a lot too..then we had kids!!

I hope that everything works out with you and the baby. Just relax and live normal, he/she will come out when they are ready. I always had a fear about my water breaking in church during service. What do you do then ? Do you take the chair with you, get paper towels??

I cant wait to see your beautiful bundle!

Jen said...

p.s. I never got to experience the water breaking. I ended up having 2 c-sections. Cant wait to hear your description of what it feels like.