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May 7, 2008

Beautiful Day Outside

Monday was a busy day... Ottawa and Findlay and then to pick up Olivia at daycare to hopefully enjoy the nice weather. She did great at daycare and we got home and she ate her supper... and then outside we go. Aaron had started to mow the lawn and I brought her exersaucer outside and a blanket.

She absolutely loved it outside. I kept her in the shade and did put some sunblock on her arms, face and neck. Her hat helped a lot but I am just so afraid that she'll burn.

Aaron came over and sat with us for a little while and she just talked and chewed and drooled... ha ha!! Fisher and Pheobe enjoyed the weather too.

We came inside, Olivia got her bath and then we fell asleep together on the couch for about an hour. When Aaron came in I made us supper and Travis came over for a hair cut. Olivia was up a lot last night... she is rolling all over her crib and since I took off the bumber pad, afraid she'll smother herself, she is getting legs, arms and what ever else stuck in the spindles.

Tomorrow is my birthday... the big 27 years old. I can't believe it! I am keeping Olivia home from daycare and we'll just hang out. I am mad that the weather is going to be crappy, but at least we'll be together on my birthday!

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