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May 29, 2008

Sitting Up

Olivia has been doing a great job at sitting up on her own. I put a pillow behind her or I sit with my legs strattling her and she does great... leans forward for a toy and came right back up and sit. We did her 6 Month Photo Shoot Sunday and she sat on her own the whole time.... I can't wait to get the pictures back... all I am going to say is BIKINI!!! She looked so darn cute! I'll share when I get the disc from Robin!
Olivia does so good at sitting that I think she is able to enjoy bath time more. She can sit in her seat better and reach for toys that float by. She also loves her Bumbo seat more too.... I put her in it when I do laundry or work at the kitchen island. She likes to help her mommy!!
Her teeth are coming in really good and last night when I was done feeding her supper... she was playing wiht my hand and placed my finger in her mouth and bit down... it HURT!!! But her 2 teeth are coming side by side and look very good. She has been doing pretty good with the teething process.... does have her moments... usually diaper rash for a day or a fever off and on. She is getting so big and just moving into each phase of her developing so fast... I just am amazed at each new thing she is able to do!

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