Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

June 19, 2008

Mmmm Puffs!!

Olivia loves her puffs. She just takes a hand ful and tries her hardest to get at least one in her mouth... ha ha!!! It is funny because she'll start chomping away and the puff is stuck to her cheek.. haha!! i can't help but laugh and help her out a little. It is a nice distraction for her to work on while I prepare supper, lunch or just do dishes.... she likes them.

Daycare started some cheerios and larger puffs and they said she did great. So I bought some cheddar puffs and large Apple Ring Puffs.

You can see her teeth really good in some of these pics!


Britni said...

Oh both my girls have looooved puffs from the start!

Christy and Chad said...

I remember Lily loved puffs and still does