Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

April 18, 2009

Ottawa Park

This morning we pulled out of the garage at 10;30 am all ready for the park. It was already 65 degrees out and I decided last minute to do the Ottawa park and then do Tony's for lunch and Ice Cream of course! Olivia did the swings first and then we ventured to a play set that was perfect for her little legs to climb the stebs and the slide was small. I think she went back and forth over the bridge 100 times... she thought it was the coolest thing, and when she did it once she clapped. We did the slide here and there. We ventured to an old caboose that they have there for decor... she really didn't take any interest in it yet, but maybe next year she'll understand what it is. After that we ventured back to the car, it was a pretty good hike across the park for her, about half way she wanted to ride in the stroller. When we got all packed back up, it was 12 noon exactly. We went to Tony's. They were very very busy! I got her a cheeseburger and fries. Of course, she ate the fries and didn't want anything to do with the cheeseburger... I dont' know how to get her to eat any meat... I get so mad that I can't offer her any kind of meat that she'll eat. After we ate, I had to do the ice cream... Tony's has the best! She got a kiddy cone with a face and I got a small cone, both vanilla. She ate her cone like a champ! Afterwards we went home, she napped for nearly 2 1/2 hours, played outside some more and then ate pizza and played inside. It's been a great day!


Haley Elizabeth said...

I used to give Haley those meatsticks. She loves them. They came in so many different flavors like chicken, meat, turkey..stuff like that. Hope that helps. I wouldn't push the meat to much. Just soft ones. I know that the doctor told me alot of the meat is a choking hazzard for them. Especially hot dogs..b/c of the skin on them. As long as she's healthy and gaining weight, I'm sure she's eating fine. Good luck!

Mollie Frankart said...

Wow, Kelly! You do such a great job updating and uploading! It will be such a neat way to look back on Olivia's early years:) I am soo far behind on my pics that I am dreading the entire week it will take me to catch up one of these days...LOL! I can't get Shana to eat ANY meat either & Brenna will only eat chicken nuggets (not even chick. strips)!! I hope they get out of this picky eater phase soon...Good Luck:)