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May 31, 2009

Throwing Fisher's Ball

Last night after Aaron came home from work he ate supper and then burnt the garbage and checked on our garden. For a little alone time I suggested "Olivia you wanna go with Daddy outside?". She popped right up and was ready to help daddy check the garden. I love to watch her walk side by side with Aaron. It makes me smile everytime! On their way back to the house I grabbed my camera and started snapp'n away. She was yelling at me from the garden, it was so cute to hear her trying to tell me something. Fisher had his ball and Aaron was throwing it to him and Olivia just loved it. So Aaron would let her throw the ball... her little arms throwing the oversized tennis ball is too funny. One picture you can see that she was telling Pheobe to come back to the house... she is now into telling you what to do...she says "No and Get Back". Probably because when we go to leave in the morning the dogs are outside in the garage and we are always telling them to "get back". Too cute! She is now able to play the "Where is game". Where's Papa, Nana, Mommy, Daddy, Pheobe, Fisher, Olivia.... it's cute to see her get excited when she gets them right. She can point to her ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly, feet and hand. She is really doing well I think ... I read a lot of those "milestone" write ups on and so on and I feel that she is doing great!

1 comment:

Haley Elizabeth said...

your dogs are so cute! I love the lab. It makes me think of Biscuit. Is the lab crazy? Biscuit was!! I think Olivia is doing well to. She's really going to start talking since she hit the 18 month mark. Get ready b/c she'll probably wont stop! haha