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June 21, 2009

Happy "Daddy's" Day

Today is Aaron's 2nd Father's day. He got off work at 7:30 am this morning and I am getting ready to go wake him up (2:00 pm). Olivia is napping and I was hoping to be able to go to Findlay, play at the park in Findlay, eat out and just be together. We'll see what Aaron wants to do, it is his day! We gave daddy our gifts on Friday, knowing that he had to work all weekend, it did work out okay. Olivia got him the Darius Rucker CD and a book "A Perfect Father's Day". That way she and Aaron can read it together. Olivia even made her Daddy a card at daycare, his heart melted when he saw it. I love it there and they do so many nice things!! Happy Father's Day, Aaron....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

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