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June 30, 2009

Siding - Day 4

Well today is actually day 1 of feeling normal for me. I've had the flu since Sunday night. Put me out all day Monday and most of the day Tuesday. These pics are from around 4 pm when I finally got around to leaving the four walls called my bedroom and see that the world had gone on without me. I was so out of it and literally slept for almost 36 hours off and on for restroom breaks or a drink of water. I ate today for the first time and it was a toasted cheese...yummy! I am greatful to be feeling better now... one takes for granted feeling "normal". Here are some pics of our house... day 4 of Aaron taking the siding off. YES we look white trash, but I guess it is the ugly before the pretty. We are doing a dark khaki color with black shutters and a red front door... I really can't wait to see it done!!

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