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April 26, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend has been really great! We had something planned for every day and Olivia did so great with it all! Friday we had Tiny Tots as I posted earlier this weekend and then Saturday was a Mutt Strutt at our Fairgrounds. Last year Olivia and I went with Grandma Rosie and I got a Vera Bradley purse for 1/2 off. So this year Rosanne and I were determined to go. Aaron was off this year so we ventured up there and there were lots of booths, dogs everywhere and there was the Vera Bradley gal, I didn't see any patterns that jumped out at me but there was a "Black" diaper bag with zebra insides that I liked, but original price was $135, so half of that was around 60 some. I put it down and Rosanne was dead set on buying it, so I asked her what she liked, she pointed to a bag that she liked and I grabbed it and said that I'll buy this for her and grabbed myself a wallet to match the diaper bag, I spent $58 dollars on the wallet and Rosanne's purse and of course she wasn't happy with something else buying her something (I know she is reading this)...but she deserves it. She is always quick to offer to buy us things and never gets anything in return and Aaron and I talked about this on the way over, so it worked out great! AFterwards we ate at Tony's Dairy Queen and then headed home. Olivia took a nap and I started to get ready for supper, The Waglers came over and hung out with us, ate with us and then we talked the whole time while the kids played. Olivia and Paige are so cute together, and like sisters they have their moments but are always quick to get back to playing. Kendall is a little over 6 months old now and is crawling all over, she likes to watch the older girls play and is such a good baby! Sunday came and Olivia didn't wake up until close to 9 am and we were going to plan church around what time she got up. Jess had told me about some sales in Findlay and though I was hesitant to spend the money, I know that Olivia needed some nice new clothes to start the summer off with. She has a great collection of shorts, skirts and dresses. I got her 3 outfits, a dress, 3 pairs of pjs and 2 outfits for baby all for $58.! So I was happy with that. We then went to Menards, Aaron needed to get some new stuff for the weed whacker and then I got a qrt of paint to stripe Olivia's big girl room with. It is a shade of purple and then I have a green Castle from Uppercase Living that I'll hang along with her name. I hope to have that started and then done come end of June! With Aaron working everyother weekend and now going to nights here soon, it will be hard to get stuff done as I feel we loose a half day with him having to sleep and with him being tired all the time makes it hard too. After shopping we ate at BW3s hoping to get Olivia their Twisted Chicken FIngers that she eats really well, well those were for a limited time....ughh!! She ate all her fries and we could tell once done eating was ready for her nap. She stayed awake the whole way home, and then napped really well once home.
Our weekend was full like I said, but made it through with no fighting and Olivia did very well with some later naps and running around.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I can relate to having a husband who works too much. Hopefully you and Olivia will enjoy your one on one time!