Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 10, 2007

A Success!

Yesterday was my Baby Shower!! Sweet Pea was the theme, and Robin did such a cute job at decorating and planning the shower. Everyone was telling her she should plan parties.

We had a fruit tray, veggie tray and Aaron made a Meat & Cheese Tray. Robin's inlaw made the cake... spice and white, delicous! And plenty to drink.

I think I had a great turn out. Mom, Robin, Ryley, Hunter, Renee, Kathy, Shari, Jill M., Taylor, Brooke, Diane, Dani, Janet, Jill S., Melissa, Maranda, Amy, Jess, Breana, Steph, Saleigha, Miya, Barb, Kellie, Elan, Heather, Rosanne, Max, Mary, Nancy, Patty, & Danielle. And they all brought diapers, and then even those who couldn't come brought gifts and diapers.... lets just say we have plenty of diapers and wipes for a while. It was nice because Robin specified what size for them to bring that way I didn't get 30 packs of size 1. It all worked out great!!

We first did the baby food game, and Barb, Kellie, Maranda, Amy & Melissa won. I got the baby bath and all the accessories to go with it for the prize. It was a huge bag.

We then ate, chit chatted and then opened gifts. I was soo overwhelming, everyone was soo nice and thoughtful. My friend Heather made me this bear in a bee costume cross stitch. It was soo darn cute and thoughtful of her. Elan did Build A Bear. I think that was a cute idea as well.

So many cute outfits, socks, toys, and accessories for the nursery.

My Mom got us our pack-n-play, rug for the nursery, a huge box full of outfits, moniter, bouncy seat, you name it, it was in there. It was the never ending box. I loved it all.

My Sister got us our Bee Bedding...WOO HOOO!! Aaron and I love it! Also these flippin cute outfits, one for a boy, cowboy themed, and one for a girl, violet diva outfit... sooo soo cute. I'll take pics and post later. She also got me one my baskets filled with toys, and my bee mobile. So darn cute!

The bedding matches our wall color... and we didn't even go off of anything. We just picked.

The nursery is all together and hopefully organized enough for when the baby comes we can find everything. We'll soon find out, in like 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was so nice to see friends I haven't seen in like forever, Elan, Amy, Jess, Heather Kuhlman, Maranda, and New Mommy Melissa!

There were some that didn't show that makes you wonder, but what can you do? I guess those that you mean the most to will make the attempt. I understand that things to come up, don't get me wrong! I appreciate everything so much!

Yesterday was grandparents day and I made my mom and dad a card, and I made Rosannes, but Aaron typed the message. I am anxious to hear what they thought. They were from the heart, and when typing mine I was a crying mess.

I also made Robin a thank you card as well... she pried laugh at it because her creativity soars over mine. I meant every word in that card!!

I started to cry at my shower when I read my sisters card.... I realized that I have been an Aunt to her boys for 6 years now. This is new to her... and I realized that I am giving her a gift that she has never received yet. This never ending love from this little person. When I look at her boys I am overwhelmed with emotions.... their words, facial expressions, actions, and most of all their looks. So much is Robin. I am excited for her to see the same thing when she looks into my childs eyes and holds them for the first time. ughhhhh my eyes are watering... guhhhhh

Last night Hunter was asking Robin "Will we babysit the baby?". And Robin said "sure will you help?". And Hunter shook his head fast. He is always asking me questions about the baby and wanting to know how much longer. Ryley is shy and stays back. He'll come around I am sure. Hunter was also playing with our stroller in the nursery and I asked him if he was ready to take the baby for walks... and of course he was ready to be Mr. Helper!

Ryley was my helper in organizing the nursery. I showed him where certain things go and he did a great job at helping me put things away. He was in charge of toys, bibs, and helping me hang clothes. He also helped decorate the one end table... I smile when I look at it. He'd keep moving one picture from one side to the other, and back again.... so darn cute!

After the shower we ate Bombshelter Pizza, and of course more cake! Elan stopped over to check out the nursery and of course I tried to rub the baby off on her.... Sean is still holding his ground and she'd like to wait for them to come back to L-town. Maybe our next she'll be having her first! Like 2-3 years!!

It was nice to have this wonderful show of love, friendship, and compassion yesterday. I would love to be able to tell everyone how thankful I am, but my thank you cards do not have that much room on them.

Thank you again, and god bless!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

That sounds like fun!I was sad not to have a shower for Ember.I look at it more like celebrating a new baby,you know?
I'm glad you had fun & got lots of nice things.The diapers will be much needed!Newborns go through sooo many!