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November 7, 2007

Maternity leave will begin...

Today was my last day at work. I can't wait to have time to just sit and wait for this new little one to come into our lives. I was in bed the last two nights at 8- 8:30 pm because I was just mentally exhausted. I keep thinking.... "what have I forgot", "what do I do if this happens"... it just goes on and on.

My mom will be in the delivery room with us and I know she will be great. She will sit back and just be good inspiration as Aaron will be a great coach and help me stay calm and relaxed! I want the ability to share this with my mother. I always thought that I would only want Aaron and I in the room. And if mom didn't want to be in there I would be okay with it. She was so excited when I had asked her. Aaron is a little iffy... I think more nervous that ppl will be stepping on toes. But I think it will all work out.

I can't stop thinking that the next time my co-workers see me I will be a mom. I have this little person totally depending on me and Aaron. It overwhelms me at times.

Today on the way to work I was overcome with tears. I thought to myself... my twin nephews will be holding my baby.... the two boys that stole my heart 6 years ago will now have a cousin. I never thought that I could love a child as much as I love those boys. It is different when it is your own I can say that... but those boys still have me in the palm of their hands and seeing them with my newborn will just crush me. I guess I never thought about it before today.

Robin called the other day and asked the boys... "boys do you know what is coming in a couple of days?"... and it was so cute... Hunter loudly replies "Kelly's baby!!". I just smiled when I heard that. I love that they are excited. I can't wait to hear what they think when they meet him or her.

I remember going to the hospital the day Robin had them. She called and informed me that it was 2 boys, not a girl and a boy. We rushed right over to Bluffton and we only go to hold Hunter. But he was so tiny and new. Robin looked great and Chris had a smile on his face that wasn't going anywhere!

The next day I skipped school and went to Bluffton again to see her and the babies and there they laid.... in between her legs all swadled up. Just cute and cuddly.

I just can't believe that I will be there in a few days. I never thought November 21st would come so fast.

I've rambled. But yes I am off now until this little one decides to makes its grand entrance. I will post pictures as soon as I can. I am going to have Aaron take a picture of my belly maybe Saturday... it is soo big now!

1 comment:

Britni said...

That is so great that you are off now & have some time to relax!

I am going to write you an e-mail because my comment was a bit long,haha!I hope I don't send it to your work e-mail.If you don't receive it today then e-mail me with your current at home e-mail address :)