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November 21, 2007

Olivia Rose

It's official, we are proud parents of a baby girl named Olivia Rose. She is starting to stir here beside me so I'll start the story now and might have to finish later.

We went in Thursday night at 6 pm to get induced. We were sheduled at my last appt on the 6th of November but only told our parents and siblings. We wanted everyone to be surprised.

Thursday night went into the hospital, the room was great, much much bigger than Findlay and we were the only ones there... started the cervidel (spelling?) and had a little cramping but nothing I couldn't handle.

Friday morning, they started the pitocin (spelling?) at 6 am and I really didn't start to feel contractions until around 4 cm. I started my breathing and Aaron and my mom were a great support group. And through out it all my dad, brother, or Rosanne would pop in a help and it was all fine... when it came time to be checked they would leave. Dr. Schutz was in and out thorughout the day and the nurses there are the best!!!! Aaron has his mother's notes of what time I was what cm dilated...

Pretty much throughout the day I did progress nicely until at 8:40 pm I was 8 cm dilated and was still there at midnight. He checked me and the baby was still very far up and at that time he said he would suggest the epidural. I immediately started to cry....everyone was telling me that I did such a great job and not to worry.

I didn't want to be wonder women I just had an idea of what I wanted and was hoping to follow through with it. But I always said that if Dr. Schutz recommended it I would get it. So they had to call in the guy to do the epidural. We had to wait it seamed for ever and at that time I started to a little back labor. The rest of the day it was more in the front, down by my pubic bone. I knew maybe something was happening.

The epidural guy came in and he tried and I cried and cried.... and after he pounds, poked, flicked, and over and over again told me to arch my back out (I wanted to say listen, I've labored for over 14 hours and don't need you to tell me that I am not trying to do what you want here)... I think Aaron and I both wanted to punch him. After all of that I lay down and instantly a contraction is back.... and I feel it all and he begins by saying now I must tell you that 15% of epidurals don't take. Guess what.......that was me!

Dr. Schutz checked me again and now I was 9 cm but still very high and so he tried to fold back the cervix and he couldn't.... he had me push 2 times and at that time he recommended a C-section... and at this time it close to 3 am.

So back to the OR. My mom is crying, I'm crying (worried) and Aaron is getting dressed in blue scrubs.

I go back into the OR, Aaron waits outside and once again Epidural Guy is back to try a spinal. Poke, Pound, Tap, STING.... this pain runs down my right leg... and I scream. He says that my back bones are too close together and he is having troubles....STING, STING... now it happens twice in a row and I think if I had a gun I would have pry shot him. So then he breaks the news that I'll have to under general. But I will say that I WOULD NEVER EVER GET AN EPIDURAL AGAIN..!

Crying, Crying, and Dr. Schutz gives me this big hug and huge pep talk. He was so proud of what I accomplished and that he will get this baby out and I've just been through what 3 ppl should have done.

Aaron comes in and is crying he gives me a kiss and I wait on the table alone.... with lights, and this big blue drape over me. They put a mask over my face and I am out. ( I am so crying right now)

I awake on my right side and hear muffling.... I see a nurse, I hear my sister's voice and the nurse goes, "Do you want to see your daughter?".... I instantly start crying again thinking, "I have a daughter???".

Olivia Rose
4:08 am
9 lb 11 oz
21 1/2 inches long

I didn't see her until Saturday around 9 am finally.

Dr. Schutz came in the next day and informed me that when he opened me up he had no problem pulling her out, she was still right there.... and that usually he has some problems if a mother like myself labored for close to 22 hours, he usually has some work ahead of him. He said I wouldn't have been able to have her naturally. He also said that her head was extremely bruised. When I first saw her she did have a huge red spot on her head and it was a little cone shaped. She ended up getting some tylenol for that throughout her stay and now her little head is perfect!

She is beautiful, so worth every breathing session, every contraction and the pulsating pain coming from my belly.

The hardest thing is to see pictures of Aaron with her just after they brought her out.... I wasn't there and that is hard. But Aaron did a wonderful job and did his best to help me and the baby through out our entire stay and now at home.

We are home and Aaron is at work only for today and then off for the holiday. Aaron has the disc of when she was first born courtesy of family and I'll post those pics soon.

Check her our on (Bluffton baby nest)


Christy and Chad said...

Kelly congats she is soooo beautiful!!!!! I'm sorry it was so hard for you during delivery but oh she is soooo worth it!!!!

Robin said...

give her a kiss from aunt robbie

Jen said...

Congrats i am so happy for you all! Your births story made me cry... She is so beautiful. How did they get the bow to stick in her hair? Enjoy your little lady, i have 2 and i cant imagine anything better!! God bless

Anonymous said...


Britni said...

Wow,you were so brave and were such a trooper.I am so sorry things happened the way they did.Your story made me cry too.I know how important it was for you to go all natural.But you did a great job getting through it all and now you have your sweet baby girl to show for it.I am very proud of you.Olivia Rose is gorgeous!!!I had a feeling you were being induced since you didn't post for a few days.I hope you are healing well and feeling alright.Rest up & enjoy your little bundle!

Britni said...

Oh and Congratulations!!!