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January 27, 2008

Browns Baby

Here is Olivia last night after Aaron got home from work. We spent the entire day just me and her. We napped for like 3 hours on the couch together and did everything together. We made supper together, did laundry together and even cruised the interenet together. Aaron gets up at 5:45 for work and I am usually up feeding her at her 5:30 am feeding for the morning. She usually goes back down until around 7ish. I don't go back to sleep though, when I am up, I am up. I do get to get a lot of things done though while she lays down. She is sleeping great in her crib. We have our nights that she is up to just be walked around alittle and back out she goes.
She no longer takes a bottle through the night.... she usually eats around 8 pm and then not again until 5:30 am.
Right now she is in her papasan seat next to me hitting her toys around... they keep making noise, and then she kicks her feet in excitement. It is cute to see her reactions.
Yesterday she actually grabbed ahold of one of the toys I hooked on to the arm... and her eyes were so big in shock.... her little hand was just going everywhere with the toy in it... she didn't know to let go.
Also while she was eating on of her bottles, she had her one hand up in the air with her index finger out. I started to act like I was eating it.... her eyes got really big and a smile emerged from under the bottles nipple. I did it again and again and she kept her little finger there for me. It is soo nice to see her learn new things.

Her cold is getting better I think. I might venture to Babys R Us today with Robin to purchase a vaporizer for babies. I have a shower gift to return and I thought that woudl be a good investment. I think it would help her sleep at night. Plust that is what the Pharmacist recommended when I picked up her Rx. It all depends on the weather and Miss Olivia if I go. I'd like to take her if possible. I never get to see her on the week days, it is hard to not be with her on the weekends when she is all mine!!

January 25, 2008

Sleeping Baby

Here is Olivia before work this morning. She finally fell asleep in her swing. I love how she has a comb over... ha ha!! This really shows how thick her hair is getting too!

Bath Night

Here is Aaron giving Olivia a bath last night... she loves it and just kicks her legs. We've been giving her a vapor bath to help with her nose.

January 24, 2008

Jealous Pug

Here is Pheobe last night when I was baby talking to Olivia... she was jealous.

Girls Night

Last night Aaron worked until 7:15 pm and then went to his Fire Meeting. It was me and Olivia on the couch just talking and smiling.... it was so nice.

Today Aaron is home with her. It is his day off and they will have their bonding time together.

January 23, 2008

Happy Baby

Olivia loves to sleep in her Papazan seat and also if we put a pillow on our lap and put her down on it she loves it. She can kick and still be with us and see her favorite thing to look at... the ceiling fan!

Neighbor Elan

Here is Elan with Olivia the Sunday before returning to work. She just loved her and I wish they were with us in starting families. They moved to Columbus for a couple of years and maybe we our 2nd they'll start!! Our kids will be best of friends!

Runny Nose

Olivia has had a plugged up nose since Thursday. We are always sucking and wiping. I've been putting vaseline around her little nose to keep it from getting sore. She is really doing well with it all. Here she is last night just hanging out in her crib as I got her stuff around for today. She is getting a personality and gets this grin when you talk to her... it is so nice to have her smile at me when she sees me!

Aaron has also now come down with a head cold... he has been taking night time cold medicine and is a zombie through the night. I think he got sick on his fire call Saturday night.

January 19, 2008

Mommy & Baby Sore

My arm is killing me today... I did way too much with it yesterday and this morning. It is hard to pick her up. She got her shots yesterday and of course cried but not for long... as soon as I picked her up she was good. She has 3 little cartoon bandaids on her legs.

She now weighs 14 lbs 15 oz. The dr. says that she looks great and loves her blue eyes.

She has a cold as well... 1 week at the sitters and already sick. We are sucking her nose all the time and she is just wanting to cuddle and sleep. We are giving her Tylenol every 6 hours for the first 24 hours after her shots to keep her comfortable and keep her from getting a fever.

I made a huge pot of Veggie soup last night and today we plan to clean a little and just be a family. Aaron worked 60 hours this week and now will go in Monday and not get a day off until the following Monday.

Stay warm everyone, and I'll post some pics later. My arm is killing me!

January 18, 2008


I haven't posted in a while...

1) Our internet has been down
2) I am back to work
3) I broke my arm Wednesday

I'll try to this weekend.... we are doing soup, movies and a warm fire. Snuggling all weekend with out little girl who is getting her first shots today at 2;30 pm.

Hope everyone stays warm... below zero all weekend!

January 15, 2008

Mommy & Olivia

Here are Olivia and I before heading to Sams Club Saturday. She was soo good the whole day. Olivia did wonderful at the sitters yesterday. She came home and hung out with mom while I cleaned bottles, cooked supper and prepared for the next day... then we snuggled while daddy cleaned up the kitchen. I miss her so much right now... only 4 more hours and I can get out of here to see her again!!! Our nights go by way too fast though.

January 14, 2008

Missing my little girl...

I am at work and missing Olivia!! I am trying to be strong and not call the sitter. I cried when I left the house and half way to the sitters... but when I left the sitter's house I was strong and didn't cry. I keep looking at her pictures that I have on my desk and I think that helps.

I miss her smile and our snuggling time we've shared.... we are going to snuggle all night tongiht!!

Only 4 1/2 more hours and I can see her again!!! Maybe my husband will allow me to go part time some day!! Ha ha!!

January 13, 2008

Coffee Coffee Coffee

Yesterday was a long day... we went to Sams Club around 2 pm and spent a lot of money... but got a lot of things that we will use. I got an 18 pack of Gerber foods for 8.00 and they are usually .98 at Wal-Mart. We got a lot and will be very helpful when Aaron is working his long hours and I am back to work running all over the place.

Olivia is taking her morning nap right now and she slept so good yesterday and last night. I thought I was going to be up all night with her. She slept basically the whole way to Lima and then the whole trip inside Sams Club except for the last 15 minutes. We fed her a bottle in the car afterwards and back out she went.

We called Mom and Dad to see if they wanted to go to Maags for Supper and they were already sitting down to eat. We called Rosanne to see if she wanted some bagged chicken breasts from Wal-Mart.... you could comp them for $3.99 at IGA. She then offered us supper at Tonys in Findlay. We accepted and went to Wal-Mart for Chicken and then off to Findlay to eat supper. Olivia slept the whole way there and was up at the restaraunt but was content with her car seat or sitting with mom.

Our food came and it couldn't have worked out any better.... it was time for her to eat too... so she had her cereal bottle and we ate our supper.

Home we came and she was sleeping coming 10 pm. Up at 2, 5:30 and then again at 8:30 am. she did great!!!

January 12, 2008

Where Did 8 Weeks Go?

Well Monday is my official first day back to work. I am soo not ready to leave my little girl. I keep telling not to forget about mommy!!!!

Last night we took a bath together, it was soo nice. She loved the water. Her chubby little body held in my hands was sooo fun! I can't wait for her to be able to play and splash around. She'll love our big clawfoot tub I know.

I handed her off to Aaron and then we lotioned her up and on with her PJ's.... but she was not anywhere near being tired. She had Aaron up until maybe close to 11. I went to bed... I was tired and he stayed up with her.... it was nice to be first to bed.

She was up at 2 and then 7 am. She did great!!

Today we hope to go to Sams Club and stock up on food. Since Aaron will be working 60 hour weeks and I am going back to work and looks like winter weather is finally approaching again we should stock up on food so I don't have to run here and there when Aaron's at work. I don't want to have to take Olivia out anymore than I need to. Rosanne also got us a deep freeze for christmas so we would like to fill it up.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.... I am going to snuggle all day tomorrow with my little girl before Monday comes and my alarm goes off at 4:45 am to get ready and have plenty of time to work with her if needed.

January 10, 2008

Look What I Found!

Travis brought over an old disc with lots of old pictures on it yesterday. I am amazed with what I found... enjoy :)


Me & Mike Niese dancing at his brothers wedding.... Sneaky!

A high school football game... I miss those days so much!!

The twins and I

Heacock, Guido, Aaron & Nye at New Years 2002.
Aaron and I at Prom 1998
Aaron and I 2001.
Wow, we've changed!!!

Travis and his friends for their prom.
This is Me, Brittany, Jolene & Neomi @ a hotel before a Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert.

Ryley getting kissed by Cloey
Country Concert.... it was a great time!!

An old old picture of Aaron, Payton and Baby Justice.

The twins before a bath.... look how cute their butts are.