Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 13, 2008

Coffee Coffee Coffee

Yesterday was a long day... we went to Sams Club around 2 pm and spent a lot of money... but got a lot of things that we will use. I got an 18 pack of Gerber foods for 8.00 and they are usually .98 at Wal-Mart. We got a lot and will be very helpful when Aaron is working his long hours and I am back to work running all over the place.

Olivia is taking her morning nap right now and she slept so good yesterday and last night. I thought I was going to be up all night with her. She slept basically the whole way to Lima and then the whole trip inside Sams Club except for the last 15 minutes. We fed her a bottle in the car afterwards and back out she went.

We called Mom and Dad to see if they wanted to go to Maags for Supper and they were already sitting down to eat. We called Rosanne to see if she wanted some bagged chicken breasts from Wal-Mart.... you could comp them for $3.99 at IGA. She then offered us supper at Tonys in Findlay. We accepted and went to Wal-Mart for Chicken and then off to Findlay to eat supper. Olivia slept the whole way there and was up at the restaraunt but was content with her car seat or sitting with mom.

Our food came and it couldn't have worked out any better.... it was time for her to eat too... so she had her cereal bottle and we ate our supper.

Home we came and she was sleeping coming 10 pm. Up at 2, 5:30 and then again at 8:30 am. she did great!!!

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