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January 14, 2008

Missing my little girl...

I am at work and missing Olivia!! I am trying to be strong and not call the sitter. I cried when I left the house and half way to the sitters... but when I left the sitter's house I was strong and didn't cry. I keep looking at her pictures that I have on my desk and I think that helps.

I miss her smile and our snuggling time we've shared.... we are going to snuggle all night tongiht!!

Only 4 1/2 more hours and I can see her again!!! Maybe my husband will allow me to go part time some day!! Ha ha!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

You poor thing. I am sure it is so hard! Hope your day flies by so you can be with your little girl!

We are all still sick here. The girls are actually doing worse :P