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May 16, 2008

Quick Update

Well I've been busy with my new job, Olivia cutting 2 teeth and Aaron working days. I work 30 hours a week at the Ohio Farm Bureau office in Ottawa. I am the Office Administrator for the Hancock, Paulding, Putnam and Van Wert County offices. They are keeping me super busy and this week I have put in 41 hours... I am training so I kind of expected that. I work in this lovely suite all by myself and once in a while my Organization Director will pop in and out to do things or give me work to do. I am learning Quickbooks and remembering Access one day at a time. It has been a little bit since I've worked in Access. So far I love it and look forward to many more years here allowing me to spend more time iwth my family and friends and of course... with gas prices the way they are this is awesome.... it is like 11 miles from my house and Olivia's daycare is 3 blocks over!

Olivia is cutting 2 teeth on the bottom in the front. I've been hearing tapping noises when she bites her spoon or plays with toys... and sure enough today I saw 2 teeth surfacing. She has been doing great surprisingly... and last night she slept through the night... I got up like every couple hours to check on her... I am not used to it. But I think the being back in daycare and mommy working is helping her get back into a routine. I think that is very important for Olivia as well as Mommy and Daddy!!

Yesterday we were shocked with the death of a friend... Justin Flores. He is the father of my Cousin Ashley's baby boy Giavonne. He died in a car accident yesterday morning on the way home from work. I am so shocked and hope that I can be there for Ashley in any way she needs me to be. Ashley lost her mother to cancer and now her son is going to have to grow up without his father. I hate it for her and hope she can stay strong for Gia. I am here for you Ashley in any way possible!!! I love you and Gia both!

I just found out that my friend Kari is having a baby girl. She is due in September and they found out Monday that htey are having a girl... Kamryn. I can't wait to see this beautiful red head baby girl. They are going to be great parents and just spoil her rotten!! CONGRATS Kari & Matt! I miss you guys!

Well off to work.. Aaron works days this weekend and I might venture to Columbus Saturday for a birthday party for Miss Ember Rain. All depending on Olivia's teeth and the weather!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Poor Olivia with her teeth! I hope she is doing ok. I know it is pretty rough on them! Ava use to wake up every hour every time she cut a tooth. Ember's teeth just take their time but all seem to come in at once! She has 14 now! Tylenol & lots of sleep is the best way to get through it!

Maybe we'll see you guys t/m,otherwise we will be coming over that way in June for a wedding.

Congrats on your new job!! It sounds great! It sounds like everything you wanted & more! I am so happy for you!