Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 21, 2010

Loving Little Brother

Olivia loves her "brother sister" Everett. She calls him that I think because for months we've been saying you are going to get a brother or a sister soon... and so that is what she says. Everett has been a great baby, such a blessing! He is sleeping 3-4 hours in between feedings at night and that has been for the last 2 nights and so I've been mainly pumping. With that he hasn't nursed very well, he prefers the bottle now. Which is okay because I am just wanting him to get breast milk as much as possible. He takes an average of 3-5 oz a feeding and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with him, I am only producing 2-4 oz everytime I pump and that goes in a bottle to feed him just as fast as I finish pumping. I am hoping my milk supply will keep up with him as his feedings get more and more... but what ever I am able to add to his formula I will add.
Everett saw his doc on Wednesday and he left the hospital at 8 lbs 8 oz and now on Wednesday was already up to 9lbs 6 oz so he has gained weight back to his birth weight plus some! Dr was very happy with that and I was too, shows that he is getting something from me!

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