Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 14, 2010

Today is the day....

So here it is 3:51 am and I am up... been up for almost an hour. Today we meet the newest member of our family and I am so darn nervous! I cried most of the night last night, missing Olivia and scared for surgery. This time I could leave more behind then Aaron... I leave a beautiful daughter that I adore... and I know I shouldn't think that way but for some reason I do... I think it is the sentimental part of me.... too emotional too.

Olivia has brought me so much love, happiness and joy that I can't even put into words. I never knew what my parents felt for me until I saw her, felt her move inside me, or hear her tell me she "wuvs me". My love for my parents has grown since having her and can't wait to introduce their newest grandchild in a matter of a couple of hours.

Off to the shower, and hopefully my stomach can stop being in knots.... I love all my family and friends so much and most of all Aaron and Olivia... you are my life! xoxo

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