Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 24, 2010

Monday together...

These are all from yesterday. We ventured outside for a little bit and Olivia and Aaron primed her playhouse. At first she wasn't sure about getting paint in her and then she was more open to being "dirty". Everett loved being outside, we relaxed on a blanket and watched. Later Olivia came in and we gave Everett a bath and Olivia took a bath and is now "bowing" after she sings. You can see her doing that in some of her pictures. It has been so nice out at night that we can't pass up going outside for some fresh air!

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

Kelly so glad your sight isn't private anymore, I've been dying to see pics of this precious little guy. He is so cute. Looks like big sis is a great help.