Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 4, 2010

Scheduled and Ready to Go!

Friday July 30th we had our 37 week OB appointment. Olivia and Aaron came along, we saw Dr. Perkins who is very nice...but not Dr. Schutz! We went over a few things with our scheduled c-section in Findlay and then she checked me, and I was only fingertip dilated. She then did the heart was in the 150s and measured me... now measuring 39 weeks. I haven't gained any weight these last 2 appointments and still remain at 18 lbs gained.

Olivia was a hit with all the girls at the office...she wore her favorite dress, red/white/blue dress and her hair was pulled up in pig-tails, braided and twisted around. She got a sticker from one of the girls. We spoke with the scheduler and she had informed me that if anything in Bluffton would open up she would contact me immediately! I told her that we prefered Bluffton but wanted to keep it easy for Dr. Schutz, so what ever works better for him I am okay with.

We then headed to mom and dad's campground. Aaron and I were going to do a "date" night before the baby came and Olivia was going to stay over night with Nana & Papa. She was excited, we kept talking about it all week to her and she does really well with both of them. We got there and Olivia kept playing with the camper door...peeking in and out at us. My phone rang and it was the surgery scheduler at Dr. Schutz's office...she worked out a date at Bluffton!!! I was super excited, we have to wait longer than what we had before, but I am okay with that with it being in Bluffton. Dr. Schutz was okay with the date change and so were we :)

Olivia started to eat lunch in the camper so we snuck out... we got updates via text from Nana all day it was awesome.... she ate good, napped good, cruised around on the golf cart with Papa... and then went to Bella's 1 year birthday party with Nana & Papa that night. We got Bella a Ball Popper, and Olivia was able to give it to her. I think it is important for Olivia to know her relatives as much as she can. Mom and Dad said she had fun and even swam in the pond with Papa, Ryley & Hunter later on. She wore her floaty and was able to keep up with Papa. I will post pictures once Nana shares them with me :) She then ate a good supper, bathed and they watched movies while laying in bed....fell asleep around 11:30 pm.

Aaron and I had a great date night. Once we got home from the campgrounds, we cleaned out my car, installed the baby car seat base, and I cleaned inside the house while Aaron cleaned out the garage. We then showered and ventured to Lima. Ate at was great!!! It was so nice to just be able to sit, eat our food and just enjoy eachother's company. Of course we talked about Olivia, new baby and what was about to happen to our family.

We then went to Toys R Us... I wanted to get Olivia a present that she could open up at the Hospital when she came to visit us and new brother/sister. We picked out a Princess Castle that goes along with little dolls she already has started to collect. It was $50, but all worth it for her. We had a lot of fun looking down all the pink aisles.... I want Olivia to not feel left out at the hospital with all the attention around the new baby. I want her to know that we LOVE her soooo much! I also thought it would help with having her take it to Nana & Papa's to play, and make leaving the hospital not so hard on her and us.

I now go again next Friday, and then the next 2 weeks up until our due date. Looking forward to meeting this new little person and sharing the moment with Aaron, Olivia and our family!

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