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June 13, 2007

18 week old pictures

I am always interested in knowing what our baby is looking like right now. I was disgusted to find aborted pictures of babies...

I went to Google and typed in 18 week old fetus and got lots of pics and some were terrible to see. But the few I did find I am sharing with you. We have our next ultrasound July 16th at 4:00 pm. I have invited my mom to attend with Aaron and I. I'd like to share some of these things with her... stories I can tell my kids.

It is hard to believe that I am starting my 5th month already... half way there! In two weeks I'll be 20 weeks and that is the official half way mark!! At our next ultrasound we would be able to find out the sex of the baby, but we are deciding not to. I want this to be a surprise.
When we register I am sure we will pick out neutral colors for the car seat, strollers, play pen and bedding accessories. It will be fun... I am looking forward to us determining what some things are used for and me explaining to Aaron some of the stuff.
It has been 6 years since I've had any baby experience (twins). And it scares me sometimes and then again excites me soo much. It has been 6 years for both of our parents to have a grandkid. I know Robin is done, and Aaron's brothers are all done. It is left to me and Travis for grandkids for my parents.
Today I am having some pain in my lower abdomen. It is the ligaments stretching for the baby. I feel like I need to push in the stomach or wear really tight underwear... ha ha!! I guess it is progress that the baby is growing healthy and strong. I am just waiting on that kick!!

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