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June 30, 2007

Lovely weekend!

Today Aaron, Jason and Jacob are moving out our clawfoot tub. He is going to refinish the inside. We figure this week is perfect because Aaron is off all week and I only work Monday and Tuesday. My parents are camping all weekend and all next week so we will have the use of their shower all week. (Above are before pics (when we picked up the tub from an old apartment complex) and after (when we had officially moved it in, nearly 2 years ago)).

I can't believe it is going to be July already. We don't plan to register until the end of July, beginning of August. I am nervous thinking about choosing items for this new little baby. These are things that will either hold the baby, protect the baby, no matter what it will be close to the baby. We already have 2 car seats from Aaron's uncle that I just can't see using until the baby is passed the infant stage. There is no handle and it would be very hard for Aaron to be able to get the baby out of his truck... especially when rear facing. I also just can't see taking my newborn out of its seat holding it and knowing there could be ice or snow on the ground. If I would happen to fall down because of the snow or ice, I don't want the baby in my arms... I want it in a carrier. So those will go upstairs until that time. Aaron and I have decided together that we would like to get a carrier type infant car seat. So we are excited to pick that out and obviously get two bases. One for me and one for Aaron. we are still not sure what Stroller. I am anxious to have "Aaron and I" go and see what one we like and feel more comfortable with.

I just can't believe that we are already 1/2 way for the baby to come and that is even if we make it to 40 weeks. This little guy might come earlier... I hope not but it is always possible. My body has changed so much. I am always pushing around and Aaron is pry tired of hearing me say "Aaron feel this"... ha ha!! It is amazing how a womens body prepares for this little one and makes room for it. This morning I have the pain again in the lower stomach... stretching again. I guess that is good because that means the baby is growing.

Last night was nice, I cleaned all day yesterday after getting off work and used my clothes line for the first time... awesome!! Started to make supper, Meatloaf, baked potato and corn on the cob. Alicia called me and asked me to eat out with her and Rachel... I wish I could have but already have supper started and I was all messy from cleaning. It was nice talking to them.. I am sure we could have stood around a lot longer, but they were hungry and I needed to tend to my own supper.

Alicia cracks me up and just would think that her students love having her as a teacher... funny, open minded, and always has another way to look at things. It was nice seeing Rachel again too, she had a little fender bender with her car and the road a week or two ago. I am just glad she is alright... I am sure it could have been a lot worse. We surely have to get together again... I told them that I would be their designated driver... ha ah!!

Well we are locked in the pc room waiting on them to move the tub out... I don't hear any cursing so I am guessing everything is going good. Jacob is growing up so fast it amazes me.

Well adios for now. Have a great 4th of July everyone!!

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