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June 21, 2007

falling in the ocean...

Today I only had to work until lunch time. We had no docs in the afternoon. So I decided to go pick up the boys and take them the Deshler parks. They have 2 really nice ones and we even got Ice Cream! At the first park, they had a wooden train, wooden boat, balance beams and merry go round. The boys even tried to catch a squirrel... but it was too fast. Hunter swears he touched its tail. They asked if Uncle Aaron or if "daddy" could make them the train...I said it would take a lot of time and effort to look as nice as theirs. They had soo much fun! The second park had an old Train Car and a Plane suspended on poles. They loved the train car and I know Aaron used to be able to go inside it when a kid, but now they have it locked and all the windows are broke and kids have wrote things all over it. It is a shame. Ryley absolutely loved the plane... he wanted to go inside of it soo bad!! I said we would have to look for an Air Show sometime and go, I know they usually have old fighter planes there. Dad took me once when I was little...I think we saw the Memphis Bell. In between we got Ice Cream. Ryley got chocolate, Hunter got cookies-n-cream and I got moose tracks. Ryley kept asking me for pieces of my peanut butter candies in my ice cream. It was cute. We had soo much fun! On the way home from Deshler they fell asleep listening to their favorite song over and over again.... Blue October. They one part they know is "Swimming in the Ocean".... it is soo cute to hear Ryley humm the song and then when the corus comes on.... he knows it. Came home, came inside, relaxed watches October Sky and then BBQd Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. Then home they went. I am beat... they are sooo full of energy and I try to keep up with them the best I can. I hope they had fun and I hope to do it again with them nad my kids too.

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