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January 10, 2008

Look What I Found!

Travis brought over an old disc with lots of old pictures on it yesterday. I am amazed with what I found... enjoy :)


Me & Mike Niese dancing at his brothers wedding.... Sneaky!

A high school football game... I miss those days so much!!

The twins and I

Heacock, Guido, Aaron & Nye at New Years 2002.
Aaron and I at Prom 1998
Aaron and I 2001.
Wow, we've changed!!!

Travis and his friends for their prom.
This is Me, Brittany, Jolene & Neomi @ a hotel before a Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert.

Ryley getting kissed by Cloey
Country Concert.... it was a great time!!

An old old picture of Aaron, Payton and Baby Justice.

The twins before a bath.... look how cute their butts are.

1 comment:

Britni said...

How fun! As soon as I have some time I want to scan a bunch of old pictures I have too. I got them out last week but just haven't gotten around to it with the chaos around here!Maybe next week! That is so cute you went to prom together. I wish I would have met Mark in high school. It would have been love at first sight just like it was the 1st day of college orientation at 18!