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January 23, 2008

Runny Nose

Olivia has had a plugged up nose since Thursday. We are always sucking and wiping. I've been putting vaseline around her little nose to keep it from getting sore. She is really doing well with it all. Here she is last night just hanging out in her crib as I got her stuff around for today. She is getting a personality and gets this grin when you talk to her... it is so nice to have her smile at me when she sees me!

Aaron has also now come down with a head cold... he has been taking night time cold medicine and is a zombie through the night. I think he got sick on his fire call Saturday night.

1 comment:

Britni said...

I can truely say I feel your pain!!
It just breaks my heart to see my girls sick,and Mark too!But babies are just so helpless,you know? Hope you all feel better really soon! Give Olivia a hug from me!