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January 12, 2008

Where Did 8 Weeks Go?

Well Monday is my official first day back to work. I am soo not ready to leave my little girl. I keep telling not to forget about mommy!!!!

Last night we took a bath together, it was soo nice. She loved the water. Her chubby little body held in my hands was sooo fun! I can't wait for her to be able to play and splash around. She'll love our big clawfoot tub I know.

I handed her off to Aaron and then we lotioned her up and on with her PJ's.... but she was not anywhere near being tired. She had Aaron up until maybe close to 11. I went to bed... I was tired and he stayed up with her.... it was nice to be first to bed.

She was up at 2 and then 7 am. She did great!!

Today we hope to go to Sams Club and stock up on food. Since Aaron will be working 60 hour weeks and I am going back to work and looks like winter weather is finally approaching again we should stock up on food so I don't have to run here and there when Aaron's at work. I don't want to have to take Olivia out anymore than I need to. Rosanne also got us a deep freeze for christmas so we would like to fill it up.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.... I am going to snuggle all day tomorrow with my little girl before Monday comes and my alarm goes off at 4:45 am to get ready and have plenty of time to work with her if needed.

1 comment:

Britni said...

Wow,8 weeks did go by fast.
I'm sorry you have to go back already. I am sure it is very hard to think about leaving her during the day. I hope it will get easier for you as you settle into a daily routine. I'll be thinking of you! Good luck!

Have a fun day cuddling with Olivia on Sunday :)