Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 31, 2008

Yesterday we had our family Easter at our house. Hunter ended up going home not feeling well even before we ate. So lucky Uncle Chuck gets to hunt eggs for Hunter with Olivia's easter basket... it was soo funny! Travis (Uncle Chuck) did great and they missed 2 eggs. 1 I found in Olivia's room and 1 in the bathroom. The weather was too cold for outside hunting. Hopefully next year we can go back outside. Olivia slept from about 2 pm to 5:30 pm. She was super tired. And she even took a great nap that morning. It was hard to get her to lay down last night but I think it was because of 2 super naps during the day. Hunter did end up coming back just as we finished our egg hunt... he said he was feeling better..... just in time for the Easter baskets that Nana and Papa got them. They were filled with guns, candy and MORE candy!! They were great throughout the entire day. They will be 7 years old on the 11th of April already...time has really flown by!

Just for Fun

Aaron gave Olivia a Mowhawk last week.... he used lotion to make it stand up and the next day for daycare I couldn't get it to go down without a gallon of lotion.... it was cute on her though!
Bumbo time!! Here she is using her seat that Grandma Rosie got her. She also loves this blanket that my friend Jolene made for her. She loves to try and scratch the bugs.... she thinks she can pick them up.
Tummy Time.... and finally she got to use this tummy mat that my cousin Denise got her. She liked it for like 10-15 minutes. We try it a little everyday to help strengthen her.

Mmmmmm Carrots

Friday at Olivia's 4 month appointment we got the Go Ahead from the Dr. to go forward with jar food for Olivia. Yellow, Orange and Green is the order we are to go in. So Saturday morning we woke up and went to Wal-Mart and bought some carrots, squash and sweet potatoes.....Mmmmmm!! We started with Carrots Saturday for supper and she did pretty good. She tries to suck the food off of her spoon and I'd try to get her to smile big so I could put the spoon in her mouth and kind of scrape on the roof of her mouth. Her faces were great.

We did it again Sunday night and she actually seemed to do much better. We've been videotaping it as well. She has also been having 1 oz of grape juice after her morning cereal. Her face is priceless when she gets it.... I think it might be a little sour.... her eyes get really big.

I've been trying to post pictures all morning but our FAIRPOINT internet SUCKS! It makes me soo mad. I'll keep trying!

March 28, 2008

Olivia's 4 Month Check Up

Today at 2:30 pm Olivia had her 4 month appointment with Dr. McCullough. Here are her stats:

Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz - 97th percentile
Length: 25 1/2 inches - 90th percentile
Head: 16 1/2 inches - 75th percentile

Dr. said she is doing great and couldn't be happier. She was blowing bubbles and just jabbering away through out her entire exam and he said that was great because that helps her speech in the future... so she can blow bubbles all she wants :)

But then she got the SHOTS. 3 of them and she cried. Aaron and I hated to see her get them but know that they are only going to benefit her in the future. She has had 2 doses of Tylenol and now sleeps. She has been really fussy and hard to get to relax. I am sure she doesn't feel good.

March 25, 2008

Visiting with Uncle Jason before Kuwait

Jason came home from Texas for a couple of days before going to Kuwait for the 3rd time. It was very nice to see him and he has lost a lot of weight and has a great tan. He leaves soon and they have already shipped his things to Kuwait. As soon as I get his address I will post it and if you would like to send a care package I am sure he would love it!

March 24, 2008

A day with the family...

Today I am home with Aaron and Olivia. She is napping and he is getting a couple hours of sleep.

Today we get to have a day with Jason. Aaron's brother is home from Texas and then will shortly be leaving to go to Kuwait again. This will be his 3rd time. I am looking forward to seeing him and seeing his reaction to how much Olivia has changed since he left. He last held her on New Years Day.

Yesterday was Olivia's first Easter. She looked soo cute in her dress. As I put it on her yesterday I thought to myself... "I can't believe I have a little girl".... it still shocks me. We went to church with Nana & Papa and she did wonderful again! She was the prettiest little girl there..... haha!!

Afterwards we went to Henrys and then to Nana & Papas for a little while so Aaron could sleep. Travis made it back safely from Vegas finally... his flight was cancelled on Friday and then had a 1 1/2 delay come Saturday due to the snow in Detroit. He got Olivia a Vegas T shirt.... it is adorable!

Well on my 2nd cup of coffee and then we have lots of running around to do and then to Rosannes at 6 pm.

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

March 22, 2008

Where's Spring?

Well Spring is supposed to be here and all I can see is snow! Olivia plays in her exersaucer and Aaron sleeps. An exciting Saturday at the Tussing house.

When I picked Olivia up on Wednesday they had made her an Easter basket with an egg in it. It was soo nice that I just was soo happy with our decision to bring her here. They made them out of tupperware and wal-mart bags. Too cute.

Friday they were closed due to Good Friday and Monday Aaron and I are off together because Jason comes home from Texas for a day or two and then goes back and then shortly after that leaves for Kuwait. It will be nice to see him again and especially have him see Olivia.... she has changed so much!

Friday the 28th Olivia goes for her 4 month shots and maybe Dr. McCullough will say for us to start foods with her. I am excited to see her eat off a spoon and try something new!
Today I was going to take her to Wal-Mart to get her picture done with the Easter bunny but the roads look bad and it is sooo cold out. The wind just howls out here. I think we are in to stay!

March 20, 2008

1 Year Ago Today

1 year ago today Aaron and I got the WONDERFUL news that we were expecting a baby! I can still remember the feelings running through my body and the excitement I had to get home and give my husband a big kiss and hug!

Now we are blessed with Olivia Rose and she is such a joy! Yesterday at Daycare they made all the children easter baskets and hers had a Pink Egg with her name on it! I love it! The one girl there said that she thinks Olivia is getting more and more used to them and the environment. And they always comment on how much she smiles. That really makes me feel good!

Yesterday I had to work in the Ottawa office and after Tonya and I ate lunch at the Mexican restaraunt...Mmmm... we stopped on over to Olivia's daycare and popped in to say hi! She was in a bouncy seat just hanging out watching all the kids play. It was soo nice to see her, but so much harder to leave again. If I do that again, I might just look through the door and not hold her and stuff... we'll see. I also think that if I just look I'll want to hold her too. We'll see!!!

Last night Aaron was off... it was nice to have some family time with him. I get home around 6ish and he leaves at 6:30 pm to get to work and get his uniform on by 7 pm. It is nice to have his days off and spend it together. He does work this weekend which I hate... but it is something we both signed up for and agreed for.

Aaron was able to help with bath time and her nightly routine. We sprawled out on the spare bed and just hung out with Olivia. She would coo and kah and just enjoyed all her time with Mommy and Daddy.

Tonight Aaron is off again and then tomorrow our daycare is closed so Olivia will stay home with Dad and then when I get home Aaron will go to sleep.

Have a great day and isn't today the first day of Spring? Where?

March 18, 2008

Jibber Jabber Olivia

Here is Olivia talking... she loves to see Pheobe especially and talk to her. She screams almost and it is just too adorable! I could listen to her all day!

Clay Frame Project

Sunday after everyone left and Olivia took a good nap... Aaron and I camped out ont he floor and finally did her clay imprint frame project that Dr. Raabe and his wife got us for a shower gift.

We put Olivias right foot and left hand on the clay part, cooked it for 15 minutes and it turned out great! I love how you can see her little painted toenails still. Some have come off and some still remain.

It was a wonderful project for Aaron, Olivia and I to do together as a family!

4 Months Old

Yesterday Olivia turned 4 months old... I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. She is trying to so hard to sit up on her own and just wants to be miss independent with her toys. I love to have her lay on her side and put toys out far for her to reach for and her little hands go out and grabs them and she almost surprises herself when she gets them. I just love to lay with her and watch her learn all kinds of new things.

She goes for her next set of shots on the 28th and Aaron will be able to go with me to these. This weekend Aaron works 3rds still and Friday night we have the Mangas Easter and Sunday Olivia and I will go to church with Mom and Dad and then home to celebrate Easter as a family. I thoughg I'd give Aaron some time to sleep at first and then we can get some pics of Olivia with her Easter basket we bought her. And I can't wait to see her in her Easter Dress!

This past Saturday night Olivia got a temp of 101.9 and then after some Tylenol it was 100.7 and then the next morning it was back down to 98.8. I did call the "Ask a Nurse" at BVH in Bluffton to make sure her temp wasn't too high and I guess after 3 months old it can go up to 104... they don't want it to but before it becomes very emergent it can go that high. I think 100. is high enough for me. I don't want her to get seizures... that scares me!

Well off to get dog food and a pop.... killer headache for day #2!

Olivia's Wonderful Dedication Gifts

Here is her gift/ cake table... wonderful things for her to keep and cherish for years to come and of course.... Sue Christman cake... yummy!
Grandma Rosie and Grandpa Tom got her a beautiful silver heart bracelet for when she is older. I'd love to have her wear it in her 1 yr pictures.
This is what Aaron and I got her. I love it and hope she'll someday love to hear the "When You Wish Upon a Star" song.
Nanna Mangas and Papa Coon got her this adorable piggy bank and her first Silver Dollar to put in it!
This is after we dropped the coin in. She loved it!

March 17, 2008


New Kicks!

Nana Mangas got Olivia these adorable Pink Nikes. They are big for her but adorable to see her in them. They will be perfect for this summer!

Olivia Rose Dedication

Here are pics from Olivia's Dedication yesterday at First Christian Church. She did a wonderful job and the words that Pastor Tim spoke were amazing! Olivia wore the same gown that her Grandma Rosanne wore and Olivias Great Grandma Rosemary made. A lof of history!

March 13, 2008

Week 1 of Day Care

Well tomorrow finishes off Olivia's first week at Loving Care DayCare. And I think we are both sighing a breath of relief. Olivia has had a long and tiresome week but is getting better and better. I think the girls at Loving Care are getting used to Olivia too. Her nap schedule has been short and sweet.... and I am sure the sweet part is not all that sweet. A tired baby is never a happy baby. But as I look at her sheets they send home I see that she is slowly taking a longer nap here and there.

Yesterday when I dropped her off , I have never cried so hard as I did yesterday. When I left, she was in the exersaucer and as I left I turned around to look at her through the window and she was looking at me like "Mom, where are you going?". It killed me. Tears are coming now as I type it. Today I left and cried again. It is hard to hand your child to someone and then watch their face as you leave.... I hate it everyday! I just want to be with her, hold her, and play with her. I want to be her mother... I want to raise my own kids. But I don't think that will ever happen.

They all say it is best for you and your kids to have them in some type of daycare. Well I am very intersted in starting up a Play Group in our area and that would benefit not only children that go to daycare but also children that stay home with either mom or dad.

I am thinking of doing it in early spring... possibly at the Buckeye Park... provide juice boxes for the kids and animal crackers and pop and snacks for the moms. The kids can play and the moms can talk about what is bothering them, making them happy, and what they might need some help with. I hope other moms are interested too. I am thinking of making cute invites for all moms with kids 7 and under.

Well tongiht is night #2 with Aaron working 3rds. This morning he called me once he got home and I was already sitting in works parking lot at 7:30 am. We talked a little bit and then off to bed he went and off to work I went. He said that when he picked up Olivia today that she was playing in her exersaucer and she had to see him... so he wispered to her..."what are you doing baby cakes?" and he said she looked at him and all the sudden this huge smile came over her face.... he said it melted his heart. Too cute!

Well off to read in bed and then up again tomorrow. Only work until 12 noon and then Aaron and I are getting our house ready for Olivia's Dedication on Sunday.

God Bless and Good Night!