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March 24, 2008

A day with the family...

Today I am home with Aaron and Olivia. She is napping and he is getting a couple hours of sleep.

Today we get to have a day with Jason. Aaron's brother is home from Texas and then will shortly be leaving to go to Kuwait again. This will be his 3rd time. I am looking forward to seeing him and seeing his reaction to how much Olivia has changed since he left. He last held her on New Years Day.

Yesterday was Olivia's first Easter. She looked soo cute in her dress. As I put it on her yesterday I thought to myself... "I can't believe I have a little girl".... it still shocks me. We went to church with Nana & Papa and she did wonderful again! She was the prettiest little girl there..... haha!!

Afterwards we went to Henrys and then to Nana & Papas for a little while so Aaron could sleep. Travis made it back safely from Vegas finally... his flight was cancelled on Friday and then had a 1 1/2 delay come Saturday due to the snow in Detroit. He got Olivia a Vegas T shirt.... it is adorable!

Well on my 2nd cup of coffee and then we have lots of running around to do and then to Rosannes at 6 pm.

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

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