Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 18, 2008

4 Months Old

Yesterday Olivia turned 4 months old... I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. She is trying to so hard to sit up on her own and just wants to be miss independent with her toys. I love to have her lay on her side and put toys out far for her to reach for and her little hands go out and grabs them and she almost surprises herself when she gets them. I just love to lay with her and watch her learn all kinds of new things.

She goes for her next set of shots on the 28th and Aaron will be able to go with me to these. This weekend Aaron works 3rds still and Friday night we have the Mangas Easter and Sunday Olivia and I will go to church with Mom and Dad and then home to celebrate Easter as a family. I thoughg I'd give Aaron some time to sleep at first and then we can get some pics of Olivia with her Easter basket we bought her. And I can't wait to see her in her Easter Dress!

This past Saturday night Olivia got a temp of 101.9 and then after some Tylenol it was 100.7 and then the next morning it was back down to 98.8. I did call the "Ask a Nurse" at BVH in Bluffton to make sure her temp wasn't too high and I guess after 3 months old it can go up to 104... they don't want it to but before it becomes very emergent it can go that high. I think 100. is high enough for me. I don't want her to get seizures... that scares me!

Well off to get dog food and a pop.... killer headache for day #2!

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