Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 8, 2008

Perfect Face

I love these pictures of Olivia today. I love her complexion, her eyes, lips and soft hair. She was watching the dogs while on her tummy. I've decided to do more tummy time now with help from her Boppy pillow. Today she did great. She is drooling on everything and the blanket was soaked when I picked her up. She loves to watch Pheobe and Fisher. All day today Pheobe tried to give her a toy.... it was cute. Pheobe's tail would just wag and wag and Olivia would smile! Monday we start our new Day Care. I can't wait. 9:17 pm and off to bed with my husband! Church tomorrow and another day snuggling just me and Olivia!! Aaron is off Monday and Tuesday and starts 3rds on Wednesday. It will be a HUGE adjustment for the both of us. I am soo scared with the mornings, getting me and Olivia ready and out the door by 6:30 to get to Ottawa and then to Findlay by 8 am. Wish me luck! And Olivia at her new Day Care!

Nighty night All!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Olivia has beautiful eyes and her hair has gown a good amount! Good luck on getting use to your new schedule. I know Olivia will do great at her new day care. I am sure you will be so relieved to know she is in good hands now!