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March 9, 2008

Update from my World!

Tomorrow we start a new daycare for Olivia! I am anxious, nervous and excited all at the same time. I have so many concerns going through my head, will she do good, will they give her the attention she needs, can we afford it, will it work out for all involved? I am 99% sure it will be a great move and will only benefit Olivia. With the preschool there too and the ppl working there having degrees or going for degrees, CPR certified and there everyday can only help her as well.

Wednesday night Aaron goes in on 3rds. He got his little schedule already... it is business card sized, perfect for my wallet. The nice thing is that he has off 4th of July and Christmas this year. I am not sure what next year will hold because the schedule only goes to February of 09. He does have off her birthday and I did take a vacation day that day so we can all be together!

Robin my sister has lost a lot of weight and looks great! She can pull off her jeans without unbutonning them.... great job Robin!! She works out every night and I eat Oreos every night. Pretty soon we'll be swapping jeans... ha ha!! I can't wait for summer to ride my bike with Olivia and walk with her!

My mom has been struggling with her insurance for medication that she needs. She takes Nexium and her doctor told her to never go without it... that she has pre-cancerious cells in her esophogus and could get bad. Well dad's insurance has changed and now they've been giving her a generic and she has been vomitting and throwing up blood and already has been in the hospital. Her doctor gave her some samples of the Nexium but they will only last so long. I pray that her insurance company will come around... I've tried all I can do, now it is up to them!

Travis my brother leaves for Vegas on the 17th... St. Pattys Day! I hope that he is safe and smart! Last year he got from one place to antoher and couldn't remember any of it but puking in a trash can outside of his hotel. Nice!! I told him that he needs to be care ful because someone will butt rape him, rob him and leave him for dead in an alley! I can't wait to hear stories and see video again!

Well today we are doing church and then home to snuggle and stay warm. I am not sure what I'll make for supper... I am thinking maybe something with chicken... haha!! The only meat I eat... haaha!! But I hope everyone has a great day and we get our pictures from Sears on Wednesday and we bought the disc and have rights to the pictures and I'll post them!!

God Bless!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I think you and Olivia will be happy w/ the daycare in Ottawa.As for you eating oreos everynight.. well eat a few for me :) Gosh I love those things..Yes, Chuck had better watch out for those midnight ass rapings!! Maybe he should take is sisters w/ him to make sure that dosn't happen!! ha ha!
Love You Sis!!!