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November 25, 2008

Chicken Nuggets, Mac & Cheese, Banannas.... and a doughnut hole?

Olivia ate all her lunch today at daycare. The school they get their lunches from is out until after Thanksgiving... so they either have Bombshelter pizza or MacDonalds... today was Mcdonalds and they did cheeseburgers and fries for all the kids. They also got a fruit and milk too. I wasn't sure if Olivia would eat her cheeseburger, she usually gets chicken nuggets... but they said she ate all her cheeseburger, all her fries and fruit too!! I was so happy... she seems to eat it all but hte meat and saves it for last... and that is after she pushes on it, and plays with it. After she tries it, and then likes it. Tonight we did chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, banannas... and for dessert she got a blueberry doughnut hole Aaron got from our local IGA... I love to watch her eat new things.

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