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November 6, 2008

Her Baby... Red!

Olivia has been super snuggly with her Cabbage Patch doll her Aunt Robin got her last year for Christmas. I had put all her big dolls and stuffies in her toy box in her room because she had yet to show any interest in them. For almost a week now she is all about her baby we call "Red". Her hair is a reddish color and that is what we have called her. For the last 2 days she has been taking baby in with her to daycare and the other little girls just love the babydoll...
Today Olivia came home from daycare around 1pm with a fever of 102. I was so upset, I've had a hard week and know I'll be super emotional this weekend being Olivia's 1st birthday party. Then I get the call that she has a high fever and hasn't ate anything.
When I got there she was very warm feeling, snuggly and not reactive to me coming the room. We came home, after one dose of Tylenol she and I slept for a hour and a half and then she had a temp of 100.2! Motrin after that and then 2 hours later Tylenol! It is 8:10 pm and she is asleep probably for the night. I have 3 cakes to bake, frosting to make, potatoes to peel, and a house to clean top to bottom all before Saturday at 3 pm. I was planning on having Olivia go to Daycare tomorrow to give me more free time but now that she had this fever she isn't allowed to return for 24 hours! Aaron will have to sleep fast in the morning and then get up and help!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Aww, it's so sad to see your babies sick. Poor little thing. I hope she feels better when she gets up in the morning. She looks so cute cute in her snuggly little pj's with her baby doll...I love when thy get into baby dolls, it's the best stage in my see that sweet nurturing side. Ava burps her baby doll and everything,hehe....