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November 9, 2008

ER Trip - Friday November 6th at 6:30 am

Thursday Olivia came home from daycare around 12:30 with a fever of 102.2. She was very limp and showed no emotion to me being there to pick her up. I could tell she didn't feel well. Home we came and I gave her some Tylenol instantly and we slept together for an hour and a half. She then woke up at 100.7. Well through out Thursday she was cranky and very very cuddly! I will hold her all she wants and I just hate not being able to make her feel better. She ate very little for supper... some fruit and crackers.
Aaron worked that night and it was a VERY VERY VERY long night! She went down at 8 pm and then up at 11pm, 12:30 (102.), 3:00 am, and at 4:00 am another dose of Tylenol... we were swapping between Tylenol and Motrin.... her temp was still at 102.8. She then slept with me from there forward.... She would toss and turn, moan in her sleep. You could tell she just didn't feel good. 6:30 she woke up again, to the bedroom and this time her temp was at 103.8!! I called Aaron said I am taking her to Findlay ER... he said he'd be home at 7 on the dot, which worked out after I got dressed, brushed my teeth and packed a little bag for Olivia not knowing what to expect!
We got there a nurse gave Olivia a huge dose of Motrin... and of course waited... Finally Dr. Sierra came in and he looked her over, ears - check, throat - check, stomach - check... and he said that he couldn't find anything wrong iwth this exam. That we could do blood work and some other tests or could wait 72 hours and see if it gets better. If viral it should have ran its course by then. We chose to wait since he thought she looked good, she was using the bathroom still and eating some.... so off we went! Aaron and I were starving so through McDonalds we go... Olivia shared my egg mcmuffin... so I could tell she was feeling a little better.
When we got home Aaron had to sleep a little and Olivia and I napped again for about an hour. She woke up at with no temp. Throughout the day she was a little cranky still but better than the night before.
That night my mom came over to help me make potato salad for Olivia's party on Saturday. We decided to go through with it because her temp was down and she was still in a playful mood, eating and wasn't "sick".
That night wasa nother long night... her fever came back and throughout the night stayed strong at 103.0! I thought about calling the ask a nurse but thought... she won't tell me anything different then the swapping between motrin and tylenol. Saturday morning came and she ate 2 waffles and was pretty much back to herself. It was very nice to see!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I have been through this with my girls and I know how hard it is to see them like that. Ava has been like that twice and Ember once last winter...their pediatrician always said to let it run it's course unless they are getting dehydrated. I would have been really worried though too if they had had 103.8!! I think Ava's & Ember has been up to 103 but never higher then that. My niece Paris has had a 106 degree fever!!! She was so sick poor thing.