Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 31, 2009

Toddler Room Masterpiece~

Here is Miss Olivia Rose's first masterpiece in the Toddler Room. I saw this and my heart melted and tears came to my eyes... she helped stamp all these adorable pictures. Enjoy and I hope it brings a smile to everyone's face!! I love her!!

March 30, 2009

Grandma Rosie's New Room

Saturday night we visited Aaron's parents house...they had water damage from a burst water pipe back on Christmas Eve and are getting their room back together. Olivia loved to play in the room on the new wood floors... this bike is perfect for her and she drove it like a pro!!

March 24, 2009

Elmo Makes Music

Thursday April 16th @ 10:30! I can't wait to see Olivia's reaction. You can see that I circled where we purchsed tickets... I hope she enjoys it as much as we'll enjoy seeing Olivia's face!

Toddler Room Transition

Okay, so today I am crying tears of joy, fear, and shock.... my baby girl will start to transition to the Toddler Room next week! I am excited for her to learn new things with older children and also fear the unknown...will she be scared with new teachers? Will she feel that she is lost? I am also in shock that she will be 18 months old in May already! My little girl.... I remember when Aaron and I went to visit the daycare and going from the silent, peaceful infant room to the roudy, hyper and musical toddler room was a huge difference. Kara, the director believes that Olivia will do great! I do too, just sad that my infant is now a toddler!! Keep her in your prayers that she transitions easily and takes in all that God has to offer her... from the teachers, other toddlers and tools around her at daycare! xoxo

PS... keep me in your prayers that I stop crying!!

March 21, 2009

Kradle Kids 2009

I have mailed in our newspaper clipping and check for the 2009 Kradle Kids Edition in our local newspaper... I can't wait to see her in there and all the other kids too!! Above is the picture I'll be using this year! I also posted last years clipping, they put her birthay wrong last year, maybe this year they'll get it right!! Happy Weekend everyone!

Pixie Dust = Sweet Dreams

Yesterday we installed new wood blinds in our master bedroom and finally put up one my Uppercase Living expressions in Olivia's room. It turned out so darn cute!!! I have 2 little bees yet to put up and another expression for my kitchen. You can also see Olivia sleeping peacefully... while I post pics and flip flop laundry!! Today we have a play date scheduled with Jess & Paige for supper time. I love getting the girls together and always hanging out with a good friend!


This is a purse that Olivia got as a part of her flower girl gift from Heather & Jason... she really likes it because she can see through it. She put her watch, eggs, spoon and more inside. She carries it around like a purse and then digs through it to give you treasures. It is really cute to watch her learn new things.

Future Rock Band for Hire!

While I made spaghetti last night, Aaron played in the family room with Olivia. So this morning when we came in Olivia went straight to the upside down pot and bucket and started to hit them. Aaron taught her how to make music with them. I am guessing that she will have all my kitchen utensils out some day and start her own rock band. I also gave her a wisk and she loves to scratch the pot with it.

Where's Your Nose.....Where's Your Ears??

The pictures speak for themselves, she has learned where her nose and ears are.... we are working on eyes and mouth.

Brushing Baby's Teeth

In one of Olivia's Jo Jo DVDs, they talk about brushing your teeth, and Aunt Heather got Olivia a pop-up book of Elmo teaching you to brush your teeth... it is adorable and one of her favorites right now. So with an extra un-used tooth brush she walks around brushing her baby's teeth. She has a small one for herself, but just doesn't want to brush her own teeth yet. We'll keep working on it though.

Playing at our table

Today we played in our family room as Aaron slept. She loves talking on the phone, she'll walk around with her Elmo phone and jibber all over the room. We call Nana most times and Olivia talks to her and my mom just says "oh really... I didn't know that...then what happened"... Olivia loves it. She also listens to her singing flip book and her laugh and learn puppy. She is wearing a 3T shirt from Wal-Mart (once washed and dried, they shrink a lot) in this picture, a lot of of her onsies that came with outfits no longer fit her... they dont' snap around her legs anymore, they are too small. So I bought some solid t's to get her by until summer.

March 19, 2009

2 Years Ago- Prego!

2 years ago we found out that we were expecting our first child! I can remember the day so well... It was a Tuesday and that Saturday before I took a home test and it came back negative. But come Tuesday I was so unsure, I had a few signs that something was different and of course my inner thoughts were just driving me crazy. So blood work was drawn and the results were positive!! I remember the first thing I said to Aaron on the phone..." I can't get this smile off m face"... and his resonse... "I need to sit down". It was great! I remember him rushing home from Lima Ford so we could tell our parents and we ran to eachother and gave the biggest, strongest hug ever!! Our families were equally excited and the entense wait began! Now we are blessed with this beautiful little girl.... everyday with her is so wonderful!

A Day at the Park

Tuesday after picking up Olivia from daycare we came home and woke up Aaron... "come play with us".... so we ventured to the Buckeye Park! Olivia had her St. Patrick's day shirt on that I got her from Babies R Us and Tinker Bell Zip up hoody. When we arrived we knew that last summer she loved the swings, so we tried again and at first she would hold up her legs not knowing what we were trying to put her in. After I pushed the swing a couple of times she was all about it! Then we ventured to the merry go round, and she wanted nothing to do with it... she wanted off immediately! We played on the different sets they had there and I think her favorite thing was the slide. We tried this Orange round one and Aaron had to climb inside it to help her down... she loved it! Olivia is also now giving High 5's! When walking in the grass she was so careful, not knowing how to stelp from grass to the pebbles and then back on the grass... she was super careful. All new things to her and makes me look forward to nice weather... Fridays off and more time with her after work too, will make these next few months so much fun!!!

March 17, 2009

Andersons Market

Sunday we ventured to Limas Andersons Market. We love that place and the variety in fruits, vegetables, soup mixes, and so on are really interesting to see and purchase. We got Olivia some dried pinepple chips, dried cherries and dried orange slices. She loves them and we call them "gummies". She gets excited when we ask if she wants some. The pineapple are her favorite so far, and they are a little tough, so we one piece lasts her a while... might try to make our own in our dehydrater.
The pictures show Olivia walking up and down the aisles with Aaron and then pushing the shopping cart. We ate at Pizza Hut afterwards and she ate 3 whole pieces of cheese bread! She did great!

March 14, 2009

Dancing... LOVE IT!

Here is Olivia Thursday night dancing with her Choo Choo train... she is so serious when she dances. Love it!

Mommy playing tricks

She had her hair pulled up Thursday night and then she took it down, and was giving me her rubber band...I then put it around her pacifier and she was so determined to get it off. As you can see in these pictures.