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March 17, 2009

Andersons Market

Sunday we ventured to Limas Andersons Market. We love that place and the variety in fruits, vegetables, soup mixes, and so on are really interesting to see and purchase. We got Olivia some dried pinepple chips, dried cherries and dried orange slices. She loves them and we call them "gummies". She gets excited when we ask if she wants some. The pineapple are her favorite so far, and they are a little tough, so we one piece lasts her a while... might try to make our own in our dehydrater.
The pictures show Olivia walking up and down the aisles with Aaron and then pushing the shopping cart. We ate at Pizza Hut afterwards and she ate 3 whole pieces of cheese bread! She did great!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I love the new chickie background!