Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 19, 2009

2 Years Ago- Prego!

2 years ago we found out that we were expecting our first child! I can remember the day so well... It was a Tuesday and that Saturday before I took a home test and it came back negative. But come Tuesday I was so unsure, I had a few signs that something was different and of course my inner thoughts were just driving me crazy. So blood work was drawn and the results were positive!! I remember the first thing I said to Aaron on the phone..." I can't get this smile off m face"... and his resonse... "I need to sit down". It was great! I remember him rushing home from Lima Ford so we could tell our parents and we ran to eachother and gave the biggest, strongest hug ever!! Our families were equally excited and the entense wait began! Now we are blessed with this beautiful little girl.... everyday with her is so wonderful!

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