Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 7, 2009

15 Month "Well Baby Check" up Appointment

Yesterday Olivia had her 15 month baby check up. Finally an appointment where she isn't sick! Dr. McCullough checked her over and gave her an A+ on all that she is doing. Eating on her own, walking, grasping things with her fingers, pointing, starting eating utensils, sleeping through the night... he had this huge check off sheet that he asked us and we answered yes to everything... yeah!! Here are her stats:

Weight: 28 lbs 12 oz
Height: 33 Inches
Head: 49 cm.

Everything is now equal on her charts, no more "off the charts". I think with her walking now she is starting to even out... and has so much energy!

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