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March 24, 2009

Toddler Room Transition

Okay, so today I am crying tears of joy, fear, and shock.... my baby girl will start to transition to the Toddler Room next week! I am excited for her to learn new things with older children and also fear the unknown...will she be scared with new teachers? Will she feel that she is lost? I am also in shock that she will be 18 months old in May already! My little girl.... I remember when Aaron and I went to visit the daycare and going from the silent, peaceful infant room to the roudy, hyper and musical toddler room was a huge difference. Kara, the director believes that Olivia will do great! I do too, just sad that my infant is now a toddler!! Keep her in your prayers that she transitions easily and takes in all that God has to offer her... from the teachers, other toddlers and tools around her at daycare! xoxo

PS... keep me in your prayers that I stop crying!!

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